This is the Message Centre for PenJen

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 141


if we only had old ireland over here hahaha good eying bonnie jen how are we

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 142

Mighty Joe Young

Hi PenJen.

Your membership is approved for WriteSite, you are welcome to use the site anytime.

Joe smiley - ok

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 143


Geezus, the wee man did what he was told! Here's a smiley - ale for yer thirsty troubles!
And Ireland is quite 'young' actually (as in population. The old dears pop their clogs wile early and there's sprogs born every minute. God knows what the 'Church' has to say on it... ach, never mind)

Me is leaving this mad place soon, have other stuff to get done before wee head hits a pillow... Am frigging knackered though and my fingers are sore. Think I've cramp in my thumbs... smiley - wah)

What have ye been up too, hahahahah?! smiley - nahnah

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 144

logicus tracticus philosophicus

and if he does not will you be round knocking on his door at 3am,smiley - tongueoutsmiley - run

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 145


Hiya Joe,

Great to see ye about again and many thanks. Guess you are aware why I'm joining, (rec by from lucy and Star), so cheers for taking on another mad one. Will hope to participate otherwise besides the task in hand.


Jen smiley - biggrinsmiley - alesmiley - stout

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 146


Opps, Post 143 was for the mad Scot Shuggy, Sorry there Joe! smiley - laugh

And Log,
fancy meeting you here at this hour! Have ye no bed to go to? smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 147

Mighty Joe Young

No worries Jen.

Waltz over whenever you're ready.

It's a good place for mad ones, so you'll fit right in.

smiley - stoutsmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - choc

Joe smiley - winkeye

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 148


Well, I'll be taking a tap-dance over before ye know it! Tá! smiley - empty

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 149

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Have ye no bed to go to? smiley - winkeye< laugh>
if i said no would you offer to share smiley - sleepysmiley - sleepyyourssmiley - winkeye
smiley - tongueoutgive me an address smiley - handbag then.
(no not a size ten with floral pattern)

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 150


well as long as it does not drip

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 151


I already have company, dear log and there's no room in the bed for three! As for the smiley - handbag, I'll take it as long as I can dance round it and hope that it doesn't 'drip'? (Shifty, eh? smiley - erm). Man, you're on them funny alco-pops again.... Omigod! smiley - run

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 152


Hope this message catches yah in the flesh (as I get the feeling I have a bit of competition goin in that area Ms Jensmiley - laugh) I Have started the ball rolling with a couple of author probes dahlin...just to let yah know the Aussie connection of Keep fighting for the right to Get a float Matey...Love Big Luoieysmiley - oksmiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - cheerupsmiley - bubbly

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 153


Thanks Serin,
Will be getting in touch with you later, pup! smiley - hug

So for all you 'contacts' out there, and apologies if you've come across this already.. (I'm keyboard manic, plus dwinking! <beer&gtsmiley - winkeye

Yes this is ANOTHER petition, although this is an innovative and fun one that you might like to participate in, courtesy of our own Machiabelly to produce an 'audio-version' with a sample demo you can listen to on: . . . . .

All you have to do is sign up on the link above before Midnight Sunday 12th December and maybe, just maybe we'll beat 'Girls Aloud' this Christmas and it'll be 'GW Allowed!' at Number 1! Ha! smiley - winkeye

Cheers buddies,

Jazzy-Jen smiley - bubblysmiley - musicalnote

PS: AND it now means that Shify Rocks can find out that ye's aren't all 'Paddies'! smiley - laugh

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 154


I did of course mean the fine-kilted SHIFTY! Opps...smiley - tongueout

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 155


just listened to machs music appeal added m name and must say to anyone who hasn't been there, most impressed smiley - kissto mach for the idea.

smiley - biggringg

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 156


Cheers GG!

It is cool and he has a unique (and should I say it - 'sexy') voice! smiley - blush
But he'll have to say mine in a Norn Iron accent... Ohhh... can't wait!!! He! He!

Jen smiley - cool

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 157


how far are ya from belfast jenny

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 158


About this far......

70 odd miles or so. Long walk though... smiley - laugh

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 159


aye if ya miss the last bus lol

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 160


They won't let me drive it, you see... smiley - wah

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