Me ?

Well hello there, thank you very much for invading my personal space. Since your here I may as well talk about myself for a bit. At time of writing I am a 20 year old (adjust using 13/04/85 as DOB, if you wish) student randomly walking around the University of Limerick. Thats in Ireland by the way. Most of the time I attend my Applied Physics lectures as I am studying for my BSc in that course at other times I can be found usually looking for something fun to do on the computers or checking what the waves are like in my local beach of Lehinch, Co.Clare. I am an avid surfer and a lot of my brain power is wasted on trying to figure out when I get to go surfing again. The university is at least an hour and a half from the beach, so you see my problem.
I also play guitar and am currently saving up for a device that allow me to start recording music on my computer. I used to be in a band but I'm not anymore, it's gone.
That's me. If you want any info on random things you can leave a message for me on my message board thingy and I'll try to get back to you as quick as I can.
If you have time, check out.
Thats my photography site.
Thank you,

P.S. 7*(9-6)*2+(0*4)= 42


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