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Blinded by the clouds

This morning - well, late morning as we were "delayed due to late incoming aircraft" - I had a strange experience.

Looking out of plane windows is something I've done quite a lot, as you may know. And, doing that, I have been blinded by sunlight, enjoyed mountain vistas, being unable to see anything but wet cotton - even having to put up with a blessedly out-of-focus reflection of my own face in the window when it's been pitch black on the outside.

But today I was blinded by the clouds.

Honestly. Absolutely true. No, I'm not trying to pull your leg.

It was probably caused by the plane being very close to breaking out of the cloud cover into the brilliant sunshineso often found above the clouds. But the clouds were just so radiant, brilliant, so shining white that I had to shut my eyes, open them again, blink a few times and even then the small light-thingies remained dancing in front of my eyes for the next 10 seconds.

A wall of light. Beautiful. And startling in its differentness. smiley - star

*waves from Edinburgh*

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Latest reply: Nov 14, 2003

Just a thought

Why has it taken me a lot of years to find out just how good a guitarist Lindsay Buckigham actually is?

(and if that statement shows my age - I neither care nor mind smiley - smiley)

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Latest reply: Nov 9, 2003

Gate crashing text

I've had this text, story, journal snippet - whatever it is - idling in the back of my head for a couple of days. It's basic inspiration is the awesome display the forest is putting on at the moment, a topic that I can rant about at length at just about any time of year (and have done, as you might have noticed smiley - winkeye).

That's straightforward enough. The first reason for holding the horses was that I wanted to shape the story a little different, creating a rhytm and cadence to it. Kind of a stylistic experiment. And it was acting up a bit, not wanting to come out the way I wanted it.

The next thing happened out of the blue. Don't ask me what the neurons are doing up there, but a few fragments from the Doors "An American Prayer" album gate-crashed the story, insisting that they should be in the story, too.

It's a few lines from "Ghost Song" and they have no resemblance in content, evoked emotions, whatsoever to what I was trying to put down in words. Or at least I haven't figured it out yet - since they're there, you could get the idea that there is a connection...smiley - huh

Best guess yet is that some words I was playing with had a rhytm to them that sparked the memory. Don't know - but I'll play around with it some more. If the bits click into place, it'll be a story. If not, they'll probably irritate me no end for a few days and nights before I have to let it go.

We'll see...

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Latest reply: Nov 4, 2003

The final proof!

I knew itsmiley - biggrin I am ahead of my times!

The proff just showed on my monitor, over to the left in the "My Conversations" List.

Permit me to quote:

^^ h2g2
back again
Posted: 2 Weeks Ago
-5 new posts, Last reply: 8 Hours Ago
^^ h2g2
Tell Us A Joke
Posted: Jul 16, 2003
-21 new posts, Last reply: 11 Hours Ago

There you have it. I have already read 5 and 21 posts, respectively, more than there are. smiley - cool

smiley - laugh

Now don't come running here to tell me it's a database bug or something like that. When you have made your decision, who needs facts?smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Oct 24, 2003

A day spent in reverse

No - I have not spent a day on a practice circuit trying to drive my car as fast as possible backwards or doing precision manoeuvring only looking in the wing mirrors. Though it could a) be good fun; b) very handy having those skills polished up somewhat...

Neither have I started the day having a good dinner, spooling backwards until a few minutes ago, when I would presumably have had a nice breakfast. Friends of mine recently went to a party like that - start with nightcaps and late night snacks and press the reverse button until people get the apéritif just before leaving. According to the rumours, not many managed to hold their own for that long. When you start with a decent number of solid drinks before dinner - the ones usually downed well into the night - things go downhill very fast. Apparently it was quite a hoot, though smiley - drunk

No, I have been walking backwards.

Simply because my in-laws have started the process of moving house - from no 13 on the street to (something like) no 4. So it's not long - but nevertheless one brother-in-law and m'self have moved the four or five first trailer-loads of bigger furniture out from one house, driven the few hundred yards to the other and into the new one.

And either I was better at walking backwards holding one end of a bureau or a bookcase than my brother-in-law - or he was more adept at grabbing the end that allows you to walk forwards... Your guess is as good as mine... smiley - winkeye

We left it before we came all the way to the orang-utan stage - arm-length wise, that is (no other parallels, please!). After all, we all meet up there tomorrow again - with wives and kids this time - for the kids it'll be mostly a case of letting them say their goodbyes to what has been their grandparents' place for all the time they've known.

I think I'll try to be a little forward tomorrow smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Oct 18, 2003

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Santragenius V

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