This is a Journal entry by Santragenius V

Blinded by the clouds

Post 1

Santragenius V

This morning - well, late morning as we were "delayed due to late incoming aircraft" - I had a strange experience.

Looking out of plane windows is something I've done quite a lot, as you may know. And, doing that, I have been blinded by sunlight, enjoyed mountain vistas, being unable to see anything but wet cotton - even having to put up with a blessedly out-of-focus reflection of my own face in the window when it's been pitch black on the outside.

But today I was blinded by the clouds.

Honestly. Absolutely true. No, I'm not trying to pull your leg.

It was probably caused by the plane being very close to breaking out of the cloud cover into the brilliant sunshineso often found above the clouds. But the clouds were just so radiant, brilliant, so shining white that I had to shut my eyes, open them again, blink a few times and even then the small light-thingies remained dancing in front of my eyes for the next 10 seconds.

A wall of light. Beautiful. And startling in its differentness. smiley - star

*waves from Edinburgh*

Blinded by the clouds

Post 2


*waves back*


And what are you doing there? Pray tell... smiley - smiley

Blinded by the clouds

Post 3

Wildman - I'm not really mad, I've just been in a very bad mood for 40 years!

Having a drink with a couple of Scottish Researchers smiley - evilgrin

(Once we managed to find each other smiley - winkeye)

Blinded by the clouds

Post 4


smiley - envy

Whiskey is my drink smiley - drool

Best wishes for a really good time smiley - smiley

Who are the Scottish researchers?

Blinded by the clouds

Post 5

Santragenius V

Well, Wildman was one, as he "confessed" above - fords, complete with a bagful of washing smiley - winkeye, the other.

The venue was Shakespeares in Lothian Road - where Wildman and I indeed succeeded in seeing one another but not making the connection until the aforementioned bag of washing came in to help smiley - laugh

It didn't help that I had fords' mobile number but alas had forgotten Wildman's at home...

Well - all's well that ends well and we had a nice chat and a little to wet the throat with as well smiley - oksmiley - smiley

You do like the smiley - evilgrin one, don't you, wildman...? smiley - winkeye

Blinded by the clouds

Post 6

Wildman - I'm not really mad, I've just been in a very bad mood for 40 years!

I do indeed Sir! smiley - evilgrin Although perhaps it might be more appropriate for you with your Black Hat on smiley - winkeye.

Wildmansmiley - headhurts

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