Journal Entries

Tired in Tiantai

Well, "tired" is more like it. smiley - drunk is probably more accurate...

It's all the result of a business negotiation dinner. More to follow - hoetnsly (!) I'm too smiley - erm tired to type...

smiley - tongueoutsmiley - drunk

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Latest reply: Feb 11, 2004

Another party's over...

Any takers for the song quote?

Anyway, it's smiley - yawn, smiley - drunk and smiley - zzz time after another local party (very local, our place smiley - smiley) with lovely friends and too much smiley - ale and smiley - redwine...


smiley - footprints

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Latest reply: Jan 25, 2004

Best thing since sliced bread :)

I just love buying things on the 'net smiley - smiley

Order, pay, pick up things from the nice postman.

Don't go out in the rain, don't look for parking spaces - most often even pay less.

smiley - oksmiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Jan 16, 2004

Tomorrow this time

...I may be sitting in a plane to China...

smiley - huhsmiley - ermsmiley - smiley - don't know what face to put up just now...

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Latest reply: Jan 14, 2004


“The mist crawls from the canal like some primordial phantom of romance.”
Walking in the mist, the old song line creeps into my mind. Not unlike the phantom itself.
What is primordial, I wonder? But the thought soon fades, grayed by the dew that hangs in the air.

Misty. Has a good sound to it, pleasant even. Can it be pleasant being misty? Sure. I think. “I’ve heard it in a love song. I guess that melody was written just for me.”

There is no canal for this mist to appear from. Just the train tracks. A train whistle points out that they are there for a reason.
Funny how some sounds care about the mist. Voices, shouting, some way away – dulled by the mist. Whereas the shrill whistling from the train cuts through the dampness like a ray of light.
A yellow ray, a sound like bright sunshine.

In the sun, things are sharp, movements clear, intentions are … there for you to see.
In the mist, while the same things are quite obviously there, the movements seem less important. And intentions are something you need to feel.
You can see me, but everything seems a little blurred, like if the mist makes close ups a little more distant. Inside the mist, I feel … safe, maybe … tranquil, I think is the best way of putting it.

“Bitter Suite i) Brief Encounter”. Marillion.
“A Brand New Life”. R Brecker/C Norby.

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Latest reply: Nov 28, 2003

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