This is a Journal entry by Santragenius V

Gate crashing text

Post 1

Santragenius V

I've had this text, story, journal snippet - whatever it is - idling in the back of my head for a couple of days. It's basic inspiration is the awesome display the forest is putting on at the moment, a topic that I can rant about at length at just about any time of year (and have done, as you might have noticed smiley - winkeye).

That's straightforward enough. The first reason for holding the horses was that I wanted to shape the story a little different, creating a rhytm and cadence to it. Kind of a stylistic experiment. And it was acting up a bit, not wanting to come out the way I wanted it.

The next thing happened out of the blue. Don't ask me what the neurons are doing up there, but a few fragments from the Doors "An American Prayer" album gate-crashed the story, insisting that they should be in the story, too.

It's a few lines from "Ghost Song" and they have no resemblance in content, evoked emotions, whatsoever to what I was trying to put down in words. Or at least I haven't figured it out yet - since they're there, you could get the idea that there is a connection...smiley - huh

Best guess yet is that some words I was playing with had a rhytm to them that sparked the memory. Don't know - but I'll play around with it some more. If the bits click into place, it'll be a story. If not, they'll probably irritate me no end for a few days and nights before I have to let it go.

We'll see...

Gate crashing text

Post 2


smiley - bigeyes

This sounds intriguing. smiley - smiley

I'll keep an eye out.

...and my daughter just asked me to ask all my friends in hootoo to read her poems.

If you would like to have at look - mail me at [email protected] and I'll give you the details.

Gate crashing text

Post 3


smiley - book

Gate crashing text

Post 4

Santragenius V

Sorry - couldn't pick up the shards and make them into something even vaguely coherent...smiley - erm

"Words got me the wound and will get me well. If you believe it."

(quoted from An American Prayer from memory. Not the words that butted in - but best thing I had to round off this history writing artifact with)

Gate crashing text

Post 5

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - cuddle

I know the feeling - believe me, I do... having something just within reach, turning out to be just without reach - so frustrating, on the verge, so close, yet...

Gate crashing text

Post 6

Santragenius V

smiley - smiley

Yeah, well - I don't feel too bad about it. smiley - erm more than smiley - cross, I guess...

OK, a little irritated at first - but more intrigued. I've never before had a completely unrelated thought butt in with that sort of intensity. It just wouldn't accept my attempts to brush it off.

smiley - weird - but I don't think it's setting a pattern...

Gate crashing text

Post 7

Titania (gone for lunch)

Take some time off from *everything* to listen...

...and then let it inspire a whole new line of thought - how's that?

Gate crashing text

Post 8

Santragenius V

Probably a very sound idea smiley - smiley

Usually - this case notwithstanding - creating neww lines of thought is not the problem. Hanging on to the (hopefully) good ones and mailing them down tends to be...

smiley - hug - gonna tuck in early today. Going up to have some smiley - choc, then walk the smiley - dog and then smiley - zzz... smiley - smiley

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