This is the Message Centre for Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

The h2g2 movie...

Post 1201

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

lol - I sleep in Math class smiley - smiley

The h2g2 movie...

Post 1202

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

I want to! Its so boring... lets face it! When we are walking down a street and see a light pole next to a building why would we ever want to calculate the slope of the hypotenuse of the triangle formed by the roof ground and lightpole? Wouldnt we just want the light pole to work and the building to shelter us against the weather?
fordsmiley - cheers

The h2g2 movie...

Post 1203

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Yes! And who is going to sit down and figure out the exact angle made by the top of the light pole to the ground?

The h2g2 movie...

Post 1204

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

Someone with no life?
I mean... sure.. it would be "interesting" but the really usful things are like what to do when a vogon constructor fleet come to blow up the earth.. or how to fly!
fordsmiley - cheers

The h2g2 movie...

Post 1205

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

I'm liking the sound of that flight thing... smiley - biggrin

The h2g2 movie...

Post 1206

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

YEAH! didnt you read the hitchhikers guide entry on that?
fordsmiley - cheers

The h2g2 movie...

Post 1207


YAY!! im jumping in on the middle of your convo!!! i have no clue what you guys are talking about because i didn't bother to go back and read it, so HELLO!!!!! IM BACK!!!!! hehehehehe

smiley - skull

The h2g2 movie...

Post 1208

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

fordsmiley - cheers

The h2g2 movie...

Post 1209

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Hi!! smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

The h2g2 movie...

Post 1210


*twitch* I HATE Alen Rickman as Marvin. SHOULD HAVE BEEN STEPHEN MOORE!!! grrr....

The h2g2 movie...

Post 1211

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

I haven't seen the movie yet!! smiley - sadfacesmiley - wah

The h2g2 movie...

Post 1212

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

I liked alen as marvin.. BUT I HATED WHAT HE LOOKED LIKE!! AHH!
fordsmiley - cheers

The h2g2 movie...

Post 1213

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

It's always going to be that way with movie versions of books - they never, ever do it right...

The h2g2 movie...

Post 1214

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

yeah... I wish they would ask people on the street what things should look like and all that
fordsmiley - cheers

The h2g2 movie...

Post 1215

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Maybe they did, but they asked the wrong people?
Yay! My friend is going to lend me her copy of the Hitch-Hiker radio plays! smiley - biggrin

The h2g2 movie...

Post 1216


hello everybody! Long time no see eh?
well gotta go!

The h2g2 movie...

Post 1217

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

that would be sucky! ask people who never read the book... smaaarrrttt
hey korfyr!
fordsmiley - cheers

The h2g2 movie...

Post 1218

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Wow. It's sort of like... finally...
I liked it, but not because it stuck to the books. It was good as just a movie by itself, but that whole extra point-of-view-gun plot and the Arthur-Trillian thing sort of detracted from the books. Although they were good for the movie.
It was really funny - there were parts where me and my friend Chips and the entire row of people next to us were cackling at the tops of our voices... real heavy Aussie cackling. Have you any idea what that sounds like?
Zaphod was not at all like I imagined, but I can see how some people might have interpreted him that way. And I thought Trillian should have been a stronger-willed character. But I still liked the movie.

The h2g2 movie...

Post 1219


YAY! See.. like I said... it WAS a good movie... just a little different!

I'm seeing it again friday with Brandon (my bf) hopefully it's still playing. Poor Brandon hasn't seen it yet, he was on a band trip when it first came out and yeah... so FINALY!!!smiley - biggrin

yeah... towels, hhg, and bable fish. how romantic.smiley - winkeye

The h2g2 movie...

Post 1220

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Yesterday was National Towel Day so we all brought our towels to school...
It was pretty cool.
How long have you and Brandon been together?

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The h2g2 movie...

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