This is the Message Centre for Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!


Post 1161

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

AH! That stinks! I got that alot when I got my moter bike burn! Never go to school on crutches! NOOONE Will shut up! "what happened?" "How long are you on crutches?" "are you ok?"
BLAH BLAH! When Im hurt the last thing i want to do is answer those a million times!
fordsmiley - cheers


Post 1162

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

It was actually kind of scary... when I came to school with it all bandaged up, half my classmates thought I was depressed and that I'd slashed my wrist... I had to show them it was actually a burn before they believed me...


Post 1163

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

Why would they think that?
Unless ofcorse everyone at your school is insane... I should so be there!
fordsmiley - cheers


Post 1164


Poor midnight. *gives digital kisses to boo boo*

there. does it feel better?

smiley - hug


Post 1165

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

Im in such an AWWWWWWWWWW mood!! TODAY IS GREAT!!!!!!!
IM HAPPY!... owo...???.. wow
fordsmiley - cheers


Post 1166

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

It's okay... I just have this scar on my hand now, that's all... and it'll fade. It's actually pretty cool smiley - biggrin
Thanks for kissing it better, Fredsmiley - smiley
A lot of people here are really depressed, and lately cutting has been "the thing" to do... I've never done it because it's really stupid and I'm not depressed. But it was the natural assumption for people to make... although it's sad that they thought that.


Post 1167

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

Im depressed times ten today... but cutting> heall no!
fordsmiley - cheers


Post 1168

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Oh... *hugs Ford*
Why are you depressed?
Cheer up smiley - cheerup


Post 1169

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

*hug* thanks... I did really cruddy at my meet... last year I was as good... or almost as good... as our Jr runner... now I sin against nature! argh smiley - sadface
but thanks!
fordsmiley - cheers


Post 1170

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Sorry to hear you didn't do too well...
Today was Sports Day at school. They made us all come in to school on a Saturday from 9 till 3 and we sat there and did absolutely nothing all day and we all got minorly sunburned no matter how much we sat in the shade or wore sunscreen.
And ate lots of icecream. The actual events themselves didn't seem all that important. My house came last anyway (it always does - it's school tradition that Stirling House sucks at sports).


Post 1171

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

FUN! I remember we had those at my elementary school.. they were so fun! we did alot of stuff.... climbing monkey feet... running, it was all so fun back then!
fordsmiley - cheers


Post 1172

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

I guess it could have been fun if you were one of those people who enjoys doing that sort of thing... but I'm not, really. I mean, it was fun afterwards mucking around with random volleyballs and basketballs and netballs and soccerballs and tennis balls and just throwing them around and trying to get basketball goals with a tennis ball... me and my friends invaded the gym, because nobody was there, and it was big and shday and empty smiley - biggrin


Post 1173

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

I do.. Im in track.. duh! :P But ours were really cool little kid games... *sigh* I WISH I COULD GO BACK!
stupid highschool *phewy!*
fordsmiley - cheers


Post 1174

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

You graduate at the end of every year?
In Australia we only do a graduation ceremony at the end of Year 12.
I wish we could go back to primary school too... no homework, lots of games, nothing expected of you...
Have you ever thought of what it would be like to go back to your first year of school, but you would aready know what you do now? In other words, you keep your brain but you go back to when you were five years old. If you know what I mean...smiley - erm


Post 1175

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

Nah I meant the SR graduation... thats year 12.. I cant wait! I Hate the seniors... ok... I hate like 3.. but still...
I know what you mean.. that would ROCK!I wish I had my 8th grade body... I COULD THREE STEP! ARGH!
fordsmiley - cheers


Post 1176

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Yeah - imagine having all this high school stuff in our heads and then going back and completely blowing our kindergarten teachers away... smiley - tongueout


Post 1177


SEE! SEEEEEEEEE! This is what I told everyone!

When I was like 5 all the girls put of fake makeup and played dress up with their barbies and wished the were older. And I was like "when you ARE older you'll want to be little again so just be little and don't want to be big" But they all were like, "NO! Older is better because you get to do things and stay up later!" And I got made and told them, "NO! when you are older you'll have to do more and you'll wish you were little so you can be to small to do things again."

But no one listened. And by the 5ht grade they all were falling 'in love' with boys and wearing body glitter, and by 6th and 7th grade they were all wearing thick make up, push up bras and revealing shirts while the immature boys still thought girls had cooties... and I was all alone playing with my dolls and watching Barney, and one by one I saw them turn into smelly, pimpily, hormone imbalence teenagers and I vowed never to turn into one of them. So I stayed 12. And I'm gonna stay 12 forever. I wish I stayed 5 way back when but it's too late now.

I know I'm still a teen sort of because of my state of mind, but telling people I'm twelve makes me feel happy.

Sorry... I didn't meen to offend you in any way by calling teenages smelly and hormonal. I'm the same... I'm just a liar too so no one is suposed to know.

Yeah..... so any way.... *twitch twitch* what were we saying?


Post 1178

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

I agree it would be great to go back to being little again, but I like being a teenager too. I'm not one to wear thick make-up or a push-up bra, but I'm trying to enjoy my adolescence instead of avoiding it. I think you don't have to go with the crowd and listen to mainstream music and behave like clones of those bimbos you see on TV, or the "popular people" to have fun. You find a group of people who respect you for who you are and then you can have fun any way you want. And hey, if you still want to play with Barbie dolls, that's fine. I personally love building stuff out of Lego, even though I'm fifteen. How old are you again, Fred?


Post 1179


hmmm... enjoying adolecence... I should try that. Yes the way you look at life is very sensible and I agree with it. I don't play with barbies actually.. my cats do. They chew their heads. I play with... stuff... basicly anything. I once had a family of pencils I mad paper clothes for in the 6th grade. I just like making up stories and playing them out. And I love dress up. My friend Kalei and I still play dress up. We like to dress like foriners or tourist and knock on neighbors doors pretending we're lost. I LOVE LEGOS TOO! during the hurricane thats all i did! I read and played legos by candle light.

I'm on my secound year of being 12. I'm 13. I'm... *sigh* almost 14. smiley - sadface

I better stop trying to be a kid forever though soon... or i might end up like michele Jackson! AHHHHHHHHHH! smiley - winkeye


Post 1180

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Adolescence can be fun if you play your cards right. One day you're going to wake up 23 years old and still liking to think you're 12... I'm nearly sixteen, that's really scary for me too. And next year I'll be seventeen! And in ten years I'll be 25! And when I've doubled my life I'll be 30... aaaargh!!!
You can still enjoy stuff from your childhood and balance it out with teenager-stuff. I like being fifteen, it's fun. For a start, you can legally watch a heap more movies because of the rating thing, and people start treating you more seriously. Although you get a heap more responsibility with it too, but you can even it out. It's working for me, anyway.
But if you want to stay 12 for a few more years, that's entirely up to you. Don't let me influence what you do with your life - you can live it any way you want.smiley - biggrin

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