If you're not into Metal, you are not my friend!
Ye gods these new-fangled registration things...
I had an old account but that's gone up the spout
Metal rules. Name-dropping bands is a good way to break the ice:
Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, ManOwaR, Slayer, Whitesnake, Rainbow, Deep Purple, M.S.G., AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Helloween oooooh it's all good really.
See you later nice time!
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Maiden!! | Feb 3, 2004 |
Is that mark? | Feb 1, 2004 |
Hello | Jan 18, 2004 |
Atelier | Jan 14, 2004 |
Visit from your ACE!... | Jan 14, 2004 |
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Join Here! | Jan 14, 2004 | May 14, 2010 |
Make me a FREAK! | Jan 14, 2004 | Oct 21, 2009 |
FREAK Bar | Jan 29, 2004 | Mar 7, 2007 |
I'm back!!!!! | No Posting | Dec 24, 2006 |
allow me to retort | Jan 14, 2004 | May 14, 2005 |
Researcher U557182
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