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Post 1

pussycat1973 (Unofficial h2g2 Ranger)

smiley - biggrinSo, what's your fave Priest track/album?

Surprised to see that you like MSG. That must but you in a similar age bracket to myself.smiley - winkeye


Post 2


Priest...I suppose the album has to be Painkiller! I mean, it's flawless, and ruthlessly heavy! Stained Class comes a very close second (it too is flawless, and the second solo of Exciter is the coolest solo ever recorded!), mega kudos to British Steel, Turbo and the A-side of Defenders Of The Faith also smiley - smiley

'fraid I can't join you in the age bracket dude - I'm almost half what you are smiley - winkeye (well not quite but...). I remember buying Cry For The Nations on 12" cos it was 30p and looked cool...the albums came over time smiley - winkeye the first two are totally killer, amongst my most favourite albums. Schenker is a f'kin axe master, Gary Barden sounds funny when he makes 'oo' noises and any band with Cozy Powell in it rocks. Live At Budokan is cool...I have very fond memories of listening to a compilation mostly made up of songs from that when me and a mate used to sort the leaflets for our paper round...before I bought that single. Assault Attack is ok, and the other live album after that is ok...Rock My Nights Away is a v cool song smiley - biggrin

Had to rant there! M.S.G. fans are very sadly few and far between it seems!

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