This is the Message Centre for Lee + Keeper of links
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Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted Started conversation Jan 11, 2004
Hi Lee, here is you official ACE greeting
welcome to h2g2,
I am Mort, <./>ACE</.> (assistant community editor) here to meet and greet you, and help you find your way around this site.
Feisor has compiled a list of links at A719840 to make it easier to familiarise yourself with some of the most helpful entries, but here are a few to be going on with….
Take the <./>DontPanic-Tour</.> - its very useful!
If you are a digibox user, or just have a slow connection, you might want to know that h2g2 is available without the graphics. It's a different ‘skin’ to the one you are probably using now and is called "plain". To find out more go to A948602
If you want to find out something, (such as ‘how to fold a napkin’ or something more serious ) then the best place to ask is <./>ASKh2g2</.>, someone will always have an opinion there!
Visit <./>ThePost</.> our weekly newspaper and <./>frontpage</.> to see what’s happening in h2g2. And the page that everyone always wants to find is
<./>smileys</.> click on the link to get the full list
or A690518 for help spicing up your page!
There is lots to see and do on the site. Do you have any special interests or hobbies? There are groups set up for just about everything from role play to musicians to books to fantasy and sci fi etc
If you want to write for the Edited Guide then let me know and I can explain the process for you
If you want to visit my page for a chat or you need any help then click here U204689 , leave me a message and i will get back you as soon as i can.
Happy Hiking!
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Lee + Keeper of links Posted Jan 11, 2004
well my main hobby is writing poerty.
But I dont know how to put some poems on the site...
I've already found the page.
and the picture and fonts page thingy.
Thank you, you are very kind.
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Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted Posted Jan 11, 2004
You could write them in your journal but the best way would be to create a new guide entry. <./>DontPanic-Entries#2</.> explains how. The Edited Guide is made up of factual entries only, but there are other places that it could be submitted - Fiction Central A294833
There is 'the lost poetry office' at A433793 or Haiku Challenge!!! A494291
Hope that helps
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Lee + Keeper of links Posted Jan 11, 2004
That does more than just help Mort.
Thank you, I will add some poems in all of them when I get time.
Take care!
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Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted Posted Jan 11, 2004
You are very welcome
It actually took me so long to reply because the server was playing up again and i kept getting error pages.
Just let me know if you need any more help anytime
I will also look forward to reading some of your poetry.
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."