Journal Entries

Point of View

In the subway there was an ad for "positive energy". Taken in terms of physics, the question of whether energy is positive or negative, can only be answered by looking at the energy's vector (the direction where to itis headed) in relation to an object. And direction always depends on your point of view ie the object you are relating to. Same goes for life. Nothing's either goor or bad, but thinking makes it so (Shakespeare (?) knew that).

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Latest reply: Sep 13, 2000


Songs by and for LZ:
Whole Lotta Love
Cummunication Breakdown
Dazed And Confused

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Latest reply: Aug 7, 2000


Don't spend the weekend breaking your nose.

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Latest reply: Jun 19, 2000

PS to 23-11-99

Forgot this bit: The island is called Yap and is part of the Federated States of Micronesia. According to the CIA World Fact Book 1999:

"Labor force—by occupation: two-thirds are government employees"

That *might* explain a lot.

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Latest reply: Nov 23, 1999


According to the German rag "Die Zeit" (Nr. 47, 18.11.99 "Leben" page 19) there's a small island in the Pacific which used to have a currency made of stone coins with a diameter of up to four (4) meters. Didn't say whether or not they were called Ningies.

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Latest reply: Nov 23, 1999

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