Journal Entries


I'm leaving... I think h2g2 and I have mutually conceded that its time for me to go. C'ya... or not.

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Latest reply: Nov 3, 1999


Hmm... well, I'm not sure that my life is so interesting... it is an effort to drag anything out of my brain...

Anyways, I've been sick for the past week, missing several of my classes. I just crawled out of bed, to work, and to take my Philosophy midterm this morning... I feel as though I've aced it, but then again, who knows if I even wrote anything down... I sure as heck can't remember... lately I can't even stand up without getting dizzy. I can't imagine what is wrong with me, but I'm constantly sleeping; there isn't much else I do.

Right now I'm working on several entries for the guide... such as an extended drink page, a piece on Old Navy (the clothing store), a critiquing page, and something on Greek Mythology... However, I can't bring myself to type anything out... I fall asleep rather easily. I'm begining to doze off right now.

Hmm... I think I need a vacation, but from what? Sanity? can't say I suffer that... Work? I'd say it's about the same there... I don't know... I feel so unsatisfied... and I don't even feel pressured. I've been diagnosed with an ulcer and depression... I wonder if they've come back to haunt me? I certainly don't thing about death, or rather I do, constantly, but I'd never, ever think of killing myself... which is what I associate with depression (as well as with Michael Stipe, for some odd reason). Ah, a happy song has come on... I love Debbie Harry (Blondie, for all those NNBs out there...) "Rapture."

See how easy it is to get me off topic?

Well, I just wanted to thank everybody that stopped by my page during the past whenever... I haven't been all that much of a perky person... I fear the upcoming Halloween, living in a college dorm and all. However, I am waiting with anticipation to see who wins Virtual Mayor of London... I wish Fenchurch M. Mercury, the love of my life (I love you Fenny!!) would win... then we could throw her a party.

Have you ever been down the cookie isle in a grocery store? Have you ever noticed how many cookies aren't made by Nabisco? Only store brands, Pepridge Farms, and some other funky cookie (Homemade crap thingies...) aren't. It really is surprising... a monopoly even... I've heard Bill Gates owns quite a bit of stock in that company, as well as Disney!

Just something to think about. Again, if you've stopped by my page, many thanks. Most likely I am off to take a nap, listening to some cure... If that ain't an upper, I don't know what is.

Perhaps I shall buy some brownies...

It is time for you to stop all of your sobbing,
Gotta stop sobbing...


Time to laugh, instead of cryin',
Saint Spork of Abbot

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Latest reply: Oct 28, 1999

I say to myself....

"SELF!!!! Why do you bother? Nobody ever comes to your page, not even to criticize it, hoping to lay it to waste.." Well, that's when I say to myself, "SELF!!!! Shut your cakehole! I'm doin' this 'cause I darn well fell like it!"
Being a self-divided, I have decided to do absolutely nothing today, and put off everything for tomorrow (am I the only person alive who can't spell that word?)... There will be a new home page for me... new pics... and new bios (not that anyone even went and saw my other bio [poor Siggy]... new midis... maybe I shall finish my piece on Greek Mythology... or start writing about Old Navy [the department store, not the navy of olden days, thankyou!]...maybe even a new introduction [okay, I don't think so, but I shall attempt such]... we shall see).
Anyways, I am incredibly narcissistic, so, please, if you stop bye, say hullo, criticize my page, myself, anything....


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Latest reply: Oct 14, 1999

Hello and Goodnight

 Well, seeing how it is now 2am, and I have just received 400 visitors, I am going to bed... I know... Why so early? Well, just feel like it

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Latest reply: Oct 7, 1999


Well, it seems that something miraculous has happened.... I've figured out *with a little help from my friends* how to get a new page to come up... so, if you haven't visited my sight in a few days, you'll be in for a surprise... Well, Tootles... Have a lot of work to do...

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Latest reply: Oct 6, 1999

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Sporkulious Eglon

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