This is a Journal entry by Sporkulious Eglon

Hello Again :-)

Post 21

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

*raises cain, or cane, or kane, or whatever*

Hello Again :-)

Post 22


... and hello again from me also! You will ALWAYS be Sporky to me! smiley - smiley
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Hello Again :-)

Post 23


i'll see your cane to my eyebrow and raise you a snear smiley - winkeye
Sporky ol' pal ol' friend of wouldn't matter what you tried to do, the nickname sporky will never ever go away so don't even try it smiley - winkeye
Monsy smiley - fish

Hello Again :-)

Post 24

Researcher 99947

Oh, I'm not... it is just people were starting to Call me Anhedonia, which makes my skin crawl

Hello Again :-)

Post 25


your skin crawl?? hhhhmmm, crawling skin is normally a sign that you need a good dr. where exactly is it crawling to anyway?? smiley - winkeye
Monsy smiley - fish

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