This is a Journal entry by Sporkulious Eglon


Post 1

Sporkulious Eglon

I'm leaving... I think h2g2 and I have mutually conceded that its time for me to go. C'ya... or not.


Post 2

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

I disagree spork! anyone who runs such a fab halloween party certainly belongs here. It would be a shame to say goodbye......of course it's your call smiley - sadface


Post 3


I concur!You have contributed greatly to my Mayor sites.......and who else will wear luminescent shorts at all the beach parties?!


Post 4


are you really leaving sporkulious????
who else can carry such a great name like that if you go?


Post 5

Sporkulious Eglon

Hello... thanks for stopping by. I suppose that I should reply to this little forum for a last time. I am very sorry, but I can no longer be a part of h2g2. I am not happy here. I don't exactly have anything to contribute, and this, to me, is a bad thing. As much as I enjoy conversation with many of you, I rub many people the wrong way, and I am no longer able to deal with certain baises that people have developed by confering/conversing with my. My gratitude to you all.


Post 6

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Wow - what conversations are causing the trouble? I've found that nearly everyone here is at least somewhat rational and willing to listen to other viewpoints.....the ones who aren't rational don't seem to visit very often....


Post 7


i would not let what a couple of people think keep you from enjoying yourself and staying here at h2g2....i mean think about how many researchers we have here that you don't even know cannot please all of the people all of the time and are not expected to. it is our differences that make us unique, you should understand that just because someone does not agree with you or get along with you on a personal basis does not mean you have to leave, it just means that they are their own person the same as you are your own person.....
i feel that you should stay and contribute more of what you have already contributed to this guide.....your individuality smiley - smiley
but the final decision is of course yours and yours alone....all i can do is give you my opinion and we all know that opinions are like arses....everyone has one smiley - winkeye


Post 8

Researcher 99947

I don't much care for military sayings


Post 9

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

I know I can't influence you, just wanted to say that it's a pity you're leaving... I just found you, now you're going...

take care and have a good live.


Post 10

Researcher 99947

Thanks for the well wishes... I have moved, though... I am now at u99947, or something like that.... There is the old me, and the new me... if you click on my name, you've got the new me


Post 11


I took me 34 weeks to notice...I am sorry to see you go too. After all you were the one who welcomed me.
I can probably understand your reason though. I have withdrawn with the conclusion that ppl are not worth the trouble, but then again I define myself as a loner...
I hope you find a better place to live.


Post 12


hey... don't worry ygg! Our Sporky stayed and is still a very valuable member of the community! smiley - smiley
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye


Post 13

Researcher 99947

Yes... Ygg just happened to have found my old address smiley - winkeye


Hiya shazz

Hello Again :-)

Post 14


Hiya Sporky smiley - smiley
What has happened to the gifs you made me on my homepage? They seem to have hit a glich! smiley - sadface
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Hello Again :-)

Post 15

Researcher 99947

Hmm... not sure smiley - sadface

will have to go over and look

Hello Again :-)

Post 16

Researcher 99947

I'm going to, like it or not, give you a new design, shazz. Your page is just entirely too busy for anything on it to work properly

Hello Again :-)

Post 17


Oh OK then Sporky! I just haven't had the time to do anything with it recently!! smiley - sadface
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Hello Again :-)

Post 18

Researcher 99947

I am getting lazier and lazier by the day

Hello Again :-)

Post 19


*raises eyebrow*
Monsy smiley - fish

Hello Again :-)

Post 20

Researcher 99947

*attempts... well, starts an attempt.. well, no, doesn't even bother*

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