Journal Entries


It seems that I am becoming more slovenly by the minute.... I must put up my links quickly... but who should I link to ? There are just too many people worthy of space... Though, must say, I have encountered many scary people too...
BTW, who ever said mean people suck?
Anyways, I will try to add links very soon, though I shall give up if I can't find a new font to use...
Oh, until I post this on my actual page, my ICQ# is 51053461.

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Latest reply: Oct 3, 1999

Small Steps for Me

It is now 3:49 am, Saturday morning, the 2nd of October. I have finally achieved a sense of accomplishment. Indeed, I am going through my html, looking for my mistakes, and changing the colors and sizes around. Also, I am finally able to add the graphics I want (Yippee)...
To this I can thank two people: Fenchurch Mercury and Baron Shatturday. Also, I have finaly acheived my very own fishie, the culmination of several ideas combined. Indeed, somewhere on this page you will find my fishie: Elvis costello

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Latest reply: Oct 2, 1999


 I am still disgusted that I can't delete my old journal entries (namely that long one down there). Anyways, I have found a loop hole to that uploading crap, which I'll explain below (It really works: pictures, I imagine sounds, etc.)

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Latest reply: Oct 1, 1999

I'm so very tired

What was six hours has now turned to thirteen. I think its time to quit for the day. Still haven't had a visitor yet (what a surprise)!

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Latest reply: Oct 1, 1999


I wish they'd come up with a way to delete the old crap already.

Anyways, just saying that, within the next two days I plan on posting an entry on OLD NAVY. It's my idea, so you can't steal it. 

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Latest reply: Sep 30, 1999

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Sporkulious Eglon

Researcher U54913

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