Journal Entries

Yes, well....

 It seems I actually have work to do, so I won't be here all that much tonight... Apologies to everyone, especially to myself...
I'll miss you, h2g2!!!!!!!

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Latest reply: Oct 5, 1999

Nighty Night

 Its bed time... must try to sleep...

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Latest reply: Oct 5, 1999

Yes indeed

Well, right now my page is flawless.... I'm sure that will change any moment now.... oh well

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Latest reply: Oct 5, 1999

Apologies are in need

Very sorry, MadMunk!

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Latest reply: Oct 4, 1999

WEll Well WEll

 Well, (what else would I say?) It is now 2:40 and I'm still up.... I'm proud of what I've done, but still no links.... People are telling me I sound like MadMonk... Madmonk, any comments?
Anyways, I promise to have my links up in the next 24 hours.
Since I do have classes to go to in five hours, I must go to bed.
Enjoy my pandas, participate with my Einsteins...
Tata, Tootles, Cheeer...... i

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Latest reply: Oct 4, 1999

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Sporkulious Eglon

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