This is a Journal entry by Sporkulious Eglon

WEll Well WEll

Post 1

Sporkulious Eglon

 Well, (what else would I say?) It is now 2:40 and I'm still up.... I'm proud of what I've done, but still no links.... People are telling me I sound like MadMonk... Madmonk, any comments?
Anyways, I promise to have my links up in the next 24 hours.
Since I do have classes to go to in five hours, I must go to bed.
Enjoy my pandas, participate with my Einsteins...
Tata, Tootles, Cheeer...... i

WEll Well WEll

Post 2


ermmm...hate to be ticky and point this out but madmunk is spelled with a U and he gets a bit upset if someone spells his name wrong smiley - winkeye
as for your page, i have seen it and happen to like it smiley - smiley it is very interesting and easy to read......
monsy smiley - fish

WEll Well WEll

Post 3


Yes.... very upset....... O indeed..... some people just havn't got any idea what false spellings can do to a person's psyche.....
smiley - winkeye
Hi there!

WEll Well WEll

Post 4


that and you must remember he has a trained dragon at his side ready and willing to torch anyone who misspells his name smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish

WEll Well WEll

Post 5

Sporkulious Eglon

Well, as I said, I apologize profusely to you, MadMunk, but it does seem I am a very bad (or, at the very least, speculative) speller...

However, being a Greek descendent, I have a legion of Gods to call down upon any person who would seek to do me harm

WEll Well WEll

Post 6


My dragon eat's gods... (and shredded wheat, incidently) for breakfast...
not often though.... they get stuck in his teeth.... smiley - winkeye
I hear they are very tasty when fried in olive oil though.... smiley - winkeye

No problems about the spelling smiley - bigeyes

WEll Well WEll

Post 7

Sporkulious Eglon

I hear everything tastes better when fried in olive oil... especially okra...

BTW, shredded wheat? That doesn't tear up poor Bob's throat?

WEll Well WEll

Post 8


Not nearly as much as the mountains he eats for brunch..... smiley - winkeye

WEll Well WEll

Post 9

Sporkulious Eglon

Glad to hear that then

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