This is a Journal entry by Sporkulious Eglon

I say to myself....

Post 1

Sporkulious Eglon

"SELF!!!! Why do you bother? Nobody ever comes to your page, not even to criticize it, hoping to lay it to waste.." Well, that's when I say to myself, "SELF!!!! Shut your cakehole! I'm doin' this 'cause I darn well fell like it!"
Being a self-divided, I have decided to do absolutely nothing today, and put off everything for tomorrow (am I the only person alive who can't spell that word?)... There will be a new home page for me... new pics... and new bios (not that anyone even went and saw my other bio [poor Siggy]... new midis... maybe I shall finish my piece on Greek Mythology... or start writing about Old Navy [the department store, not the navy of olden days, thankyou!]...maybe even a new introduction [okay, I don't think so, but I shall attempt such]... we shall see).
Anyways, I am incredibly narcissistic, so, please, if you stop bye, say hullo, criticize my page, myself, anything....


I say to myself....

Post 2

Elysia Meadows

Don't feel bad. I myself have gotten no replies to anything for several weeks.

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