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It's My Birthday and I'll cry if I want to!!!

Officially, tomorrow, I come of age. Old age that is smiley - wahsmiley - sadface

Is anyone else waiting to feel grown up toosmiley - huh I don't feel my age, except when the arthritis kicks in, or my sons treat me like a little old lady (bless 'em!).

I get free prescriptions and a Half Price Bus Pass - smiley - wow - now I can really paint the town red, or in this case PURPLE smiley - bleepsmiley - steamsmiley - somersault See link to express how I feel:

Have I not done a Journal since July? Where did the time go? That's what comes of being old, stuck at home with nothing to do - the time passes without you noticing smiley - roflsmiley - somersaultsmiley - jestersmiley - clown

I have never understood boredom - frustration, dissatisfaction and a desire to be doing something else, somewhere else, but never boredom. Perhaps I will now find the courage to do some of the things I have been frightened to do over the years.

If my aunt can go to live in Australia at 65, and go flying in a 2 seater plane at 80, surely I can do something significant for once,smiley - yikes

Oh, well, I can always wear PURPLE smiley - smileysmiley - run off to shops for purple frillies!!!!! On second thoughts I doubt they do them big enough!!!

smiley - dragon

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Ancient Mariner Safely Home!

John and Marie Christine Ridgway and crew of the yacht English Rose Vl smiley - rose arrived home safely on Wednesday morning, 30th June 2004, nearly a year after setting off on their epic voyage to Save the Albatross smiley - applause

Welcome Home. smiley - lovesmiley - bubblysmiley - cheers

smiley - dragon

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Latest reply: Jul 1, 2004

Cat and Shrew, Rain and Wind!

Saturday 26th June 2004

Yesterday we had a new cat visit us. For some reason our garden has been a thoroughfare for all the local smiley - cats for nearly 40 years to my knowledge. Most people seem to have numerous cats now instead of just one or two, and quite a few go missing. Their coats are prized by some smiley - yikes

This one found a new playmate, which we thought was a mouse, but it abandoned its "toy" and upon investigation we found it was a Water Shrew. It was sad to have our first ever encounter with one in this way, but there are sure to be more around, so it was interesting. Apparently cats won't eat them because they taste horrible smiley - yuk.

Spent today running a trading stall for my charity, in pouring rain and howling wind smiley - wah and the gazebo nearly took off. In spite of the awful weather hundreds of people turned out to see a steel band, a school choir, some young amateur dancers, and dancing and performing smiley - dogs. It was an enjoyable if soggy day out, and I have more of the same tomorrow, elsewhere. The weather forecast is better for 2morrow, so hopefully the gazebo can dry out.

Pleased to see Albatross Petition is to continue online. 105,000 signatures is brilliant, but more would be better. See web address at the top of my space.

Need a smiley - teasmiley - run

smiley - dragon

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Latest reply: Jun 26, 2004


Saturday 19th June 2004

It isn't the BT Global Challenge this time, just Global Challenge. I hope we still get the journals of all the crew members as we did last time. It was SO interesting. Scary too!

Jay came back to visit again today. Bought loads of peanuts to try and keep the squirrels off the feeders and tables. They hoover up the food at a rate of knots (smiley - sorry! ) and are costing me a fortune. I am also worried that they might take a fancy to one of the houses hereabouts in which case I shall need to emigrate fast!

smiley - dragon

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Latest reply: Jun 19, 2004

21st Century "Ancient Mariner"

Friday 18th June 2004

smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

I spoke to Marie Christine on the sat phone yesterday but the reception was so bad we had to cut it short. Too many buildings, masts and aerials around we think. John was away with the RSPB doing an interview or something. He sounded so much better on the radio than he did when I spoke to him earlier in the year. I think he wasn't well then.

Anyway, I passed on everyone's good wishes, and wished them Bon Voyage for the remainder of their journey. I think they were very relieved to have negotiated Tower Bridge successfully, but they still have to get out again smiley - yikes

Prince Charles sent John a personal letter of congratulation which must have given them a real boost. smiley - jester ( couldn't find a crown, but PC likes the Goons so this will have to do smiley - blush). I read an article in the Scotsman newspaper, heard John's Radio 4 interview, and there was an excellent article by John in the Daily Mail today. However, I was really disappointed not to see any TV coverage on the terrestrial channels. Was there any on Satellite or Cablesmiley - huh

On my other "obsession" - the Whooping Cranes - the new Class of 04 chicks are beginning training with the microlights and are doing well. They are fighting over their mealworm treats, just as the birds in my garden are smiley - biggrin. The racket when the baby starlings are fighting among themselves is deafening.

We now have baby robins, bullfinches, blue tits smiley - tit great tits, blackbirds and collared doves smiley - peacedove. We are waiting to see what other little ones appear next. A Jay spent at least ten minutes feeding on our lawn yesterday evening. A rare thing, as they are usually jumpy and only stay a minute or two. He must have been hungry, but I had a really good view for ages.

I can't believe how far behind I am with emails and letters. I really must do some catching up this weekend. This bird and yacht watching lark is very time consuming smiley - rofl Still, the BT Global Challenge Round the smiley - earthYacht Race will be starting before long, and that will keep me interested through the winter smiley - cool

smiley - dragon

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Latest reply: Jun 18, 2004

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