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My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3741

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

I've noticed that too.

Mind you, there seems to have been a pair of blackbirds in the hedges near the back of my house that seem to twitter at each other throughout the night, no matter what time of year...

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3742

Nigel *ACE*

The wildlife round by me are better trained smiley - laugh.

If they keep me awake then no food is on the menu for the next day smiley - laugh.

Nigel smiley - cheers

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3743


Fri. 14th Mar. 08
Weather: Sunny with a chilly wind. Light shower later.

I really must concentrate more. Last night’s post came out as the 3rd March and should have read 13th March.smiley - sorry

Last night was cold but the dish had been opened and most of the food eaten by 9.45pm. A check at 3.45am showed the table over smiley - doh I think I need tuning or something as the vibes aren’t working so good lately. Probably because I seem to be permanently smiley - sleepy. I am not getting enough fresh air, that’s part of the problem.

All the birds came down this morning to feed. It is so difficult to judge how many we get of each species as they flit around so much. smiley - smiley I didn’t see the woodpecker (f) until 11.50am but I am sure that wasn’t her first visit. I let the birds clean up what was left out there today as they didn’t seem so hungry.

smiley - biro Roll Call: blue smiley - tits, great tits, long tailed tits, blackbirds, robin, nuthatch, coal tit, chaffinches, bullfinches, wood pigeons, collared doves, magpies, starlings, dunnocks. Strangely we have seen no squirrels today. smiley - doh

smiley - star This evening a fox was munching at the table, but was very jumpy and didn’t stay long.

smiley - yikes Unfortunately we have had another species visit tonight - a not so welcome one smiley - yuk. PHM spotted a r-a-t jumping on and off the table, so I will have to curtail feeding on the table to daytime and hope it doesn’t find its’ way into to the dish. I will put another badger dish out with a brick on top, to compensate for an empty table.

Bye for now, see you all tomorrow,

smiley - cheers
Websailor smiley - dragon

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3744


Oh smiley - yikes Ws!!!A r-a-t!!!smiley - runsmiley - run

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3745

Nigel *ACE*

smiley - evilgrin A rrrrraaaattttttt, oh dear, wheres ginger smiley - devil when you need him smiley - laugh.

Nigel smiley - footprints

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3746


*Waves* Greetings, Moonhogg, didn't mean to ignore you smiley - smiley

Sat. 15th Mar. 08
Weather: Bright breezy, rain in the afternoon and evening smiley - yuk

PHM informs me that there was only one sighting of the furry varmint during the evening, and there was no sign during the night.

The fox was at the table, followed later by the rat but there was no sign of the badgers. I checked at 1.40am and there was no movement whatever, but at 5am both the table and dish had been dealt with, pretty much clean as a smiley - whistle.

It was another Noah’s Ark day as they all seemed to come in ‘two by two’ - first the blackbirds, two pairs, then a pair of jays, then two pairs of starlings, two dunnocks,and two chaffinches. Two great tits, two pairs of bullfinches, two blue smiley - tits and two squirrels.

smiley - starsmiley - star turn - Two goldfinches smiley - biggrinThe female woodpecker came at 9.10am and again at 4.07pm. One magpie, one wood pigeon and one collared dove left the garden very quiet.

smiley - biro The reason for the latter was that I was unable to put anything on the ground to feed the ground birds, because of the furry varmint.smiley - grr I never put much, but I daren’t risk even that I did put the raisins out because I know they will go in minutes. I did put food on the stone table though and that cleared before lunch. smiley - smiley

The stone table has been cleared tonight and the badger dish topped up to make up for it. I just hope the lid and rock is sufficient to keep nosy smiley - weird critters away. From time to time we get a stray visitor and I am hoping it stays that way, as I don’t relish the alternative smiley - wah

I have been staying smiley - online2long lately and my eyes have been getting tired, so I will post this, have a break and come back later.

smiley - cheers

Websailor smiley - dragon

PS Nigel, I haven't seen much of Ginger smiley - devil lately - he's probably frightened of rats smiley - rofl

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3747


smiley - lurk

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3748

Nigel *ACE*

I'm behind the wall with Frenchbean smiley - lurksmiley - laugh.

smiley - bluelight It is pretty miserable weather in the West Midlands today smiley - sadface. It rained most of the night and keeps stopping and starting today smiley - grr.

I certainly wouldn't like to be a garden bird or a form of wildlife in my next life, too cold and wet smiley - laugh. I would be fed well though at McWebbies Diner smiley - biggrin.

Take care, keep warm and dry.

Nigel smiley - hug

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3749

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

I came, I saw, Ismiley - lurked, I'm behind another wall thoughsmiley - nahnah

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3750

Nigel *ACE*

*Waves* To Prof smiley - smiley.

Nigel smiley - cheers

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3751

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

all ok my friendsmiley - smileycarry onsmiley - lurkingsmiley - winkeye

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3752


Sun. 16th Mar. 08
Weather: Rain and wind overnight. Same again today but with the odd dry spell.

The badger dish was pretty much empty by about 3.30am but the lid was several yards down the garden which is not like the badger at all. I wonder if a fox had tried to run off with it and couldn’t carry it in the wind smiley - huh.

smiley - yikes For some unearthly reason I was up early this morning in spite of all the wind and rain. The birds looked bedraggled and I felt sorry for them, so I wrapped up and took some food out. Everywhere was swimming in water and they were eating out of the badger dish! smiley - rofl.

smiley - applause Two jays, two blackbirds and two magpies were first down along with a robin. Three bedraggled squirrels romped up the garden, scrapping with the magpies for control of the stone table and various smiley - tits flitted in and out. Some eight starlings landed on the line and the peanut cake, but one decided to conduct his Sunday morning ablutions in the bird bath. smiley - biggrin You would think he had seen enough water to last a few days with the rain, but no, he splashed, wriggled, preened and drank with great joy. It was lovely to see.

The female woodpecker claimed her spot on the peanut cake at 9am and had a good feed before flying off to inspect the oak tree for something more filling smiley - biggrin

Three bullfinches and a nuthatch almost collided as they landed on the same feeder, and wood pigeons and dunnocks mooched around picking up scraps from underneath.

A squirrel dug a hole in my snowdrop patch smiley - grr and meticulously buried a peanut, covering it up carefully and looking around to see if he had been spotted. He didn’t notice the magpie spying on him from the fence. smiley - rofl

It is quite noticeable that the numbers of blue smiley - tits and great tits have doubled. Perhaps it is just the same number but they are more noticeable as they are coming in pairs instead of singly.

The badger food is out tonight, but nothing is on the table so hopefully we shall only get foxes and badgers visiting.

smiley - tasmiley - ta for now, have a good night or day wherever you are. See you tomorrow.

smiley - cheers

Websailor smiley - dragon

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3753


Afternoon WS! and smiley - lurkers various!!

Yesterday, we bought a new James Grieve apple tree and have today put it into a half barrel. As the weather here has been absolutely beautiful, we sat outside this afternoon with a glass of sherry apiece; enjoying the warm sunshine. As some of you will know, we have a garden arch which houses a couple of clematis on one side and a jasmine on the other. Under the top of the arch, I have two fat ball feeders - attached by means of some cable ties. The snarlings decimate them very speedily; but leave a load of bits on the ground. As we sat looking at the mess, we suddenly realised that we were not the only ones around. (Mistress mouse will you marry me ho ho) was busily munching away at the remnants. (a really tiny specimen) he/she kept running off and returning only seconds later for more. Sitting cleaning whiskers various; totally oblivious to the fact that we were only about five feet away.

As SS had used Je**s fluid to clean the inside of the barrel; and it is particularly harmful to cats, we had confined himself to the lounge (he wasn't bothered as he had the whole settee to sprawl out on; so mistress mouse was safe for the time being.) No doubt things will change with the fullness of time.smiley - grr

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3754


Was it a Wood mouse ? We have one (?) and it is gorgeous though I haven't seen it for a while. I am sure it is still around as the smiley - cat goes looking sniffing and mooching, on a regular basis, near where she appears.

Had a busy day, which unlike yours Scorp, was very cold but bright and dry. Back later with an update.

Websailor smiley - dragon

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3755

Nigel *ACE*

Hello Scorp smiley - biggrin,

Apologies, I have forgotten to update my 'Allotment Diary' thread .

smiley - bluelightsmiley - disco youngsuper_Nigel's Allotment Diary coming soon smiley - discosmiley - bluelightsmiley - biggrin.

R.E. James Grieve apple tree. I won't discuss them here, but have a couple of tips for you which I will tell you about on my 'Allotment Thread' smiley - ok.

Webbie tells me off if I abuse her thread smiley - laugh.

Take care smiley - hug

Nigel smiley - footprints

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3756


smiley - lurk

WS smiley - dragon

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3757


Mon. 17th Mar. 08
Weather: Very cold but dry and bright.

The rain stopped last night and it appears the badger sneaked in before 9pm which was a pity. He obviously wanted to get back to bed before it went too cold. smiley - brr He has definitely lost his pocket watch! smiley - tongueincheek It really isn’t good enough coming in at all hours and treating the place like a hotel! smiley - biggrin I have had a good look around for it but I think the fox has nicked it while Boss man was feeding.smiley - rofl

I was up at 6.45am with a busy day ahead but the birds were still there first. A beautiful jay landed on the patio table and stayed for some minutes before the magpie shunted him off. I do wish he would stand up to him and teach him some manners smiley - doh. The nuthatch and the robin arrived together nearly falling over each other in the lilac tree. The nuthatch arrived like an arrow shot out of a bow, and the robin looked quite shocked.

Four blackbirds collected up raisins and the chaffinches pottered around without interference from the wood pigeons, who have not been round so much since I stopped feeding on the ground. The squirrels don’t stay as long either. The collared has been taking it in turns with his partner to come and feed but the starlings keep frightening him off with their cackles and shriekssmiley - yikes

The bullfinches fed peacefully on the feedings, swinging gently in the breeze. They are such calm birds and lovely to watch. Their ‘red salmon’ colour glows in the light like a beacon, but only the males unfortunately. smiley - smiley

The increasing number of blue and great smiley - tits chirruped and flitted in among the long tails, and a coal tit came several times. smiley - star The female woodpecker visited at 7.35 am, 3.50 pm and 5.40 pm for a last meal.

They were anticipating another cold night as all the food had gone from the tables and the feeder levels had dropped alarmingly. At this rate I shall be ordering lorry loads of food in future.

Off for a smiley - tea and a munch. See you all tomorrow, posters and smiley - lurkers.

I will try and catch sight of a brock tonight. It is most frustrating.

smiley - cheers

Websailor smiley - dragon

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3758


Stillsmiley - lurking!!smiley - smiley

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3759

WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.

Mornin All smiley - biggrin

Just listened to World on the Move on Radio 4, repeats tomorrow evening at 9.00. Fascinating track of an Osprey returning to Scotland from her winter home in Africa.

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3760


Thanks for that very interesting link WA. I shall look some more when I have time.

Mon. 17th Mar. 08
Weather: Very cold but dry and bright.

smiley - diva At 10.20pm last night a puzzle was solved. PHM called me to look out the window and there was a fox at the badger dish! One quick yank and he had the dish open <yikes.

As you know the badger method is to nudge the rock off the top and slide the plate off, sometimes halfway and sometimes right off, depending how eager he is to reach the food.smiley - drool The dish, lid and rock are left all neat and tidy once he has sniffed around and picked up any stray bits.

The fox has a different technique however.smiley - rofl. He grabbed the edge of the plastic plate and with one big jerk he shot it several yards down the garden, like a frisbee, leaving the dish open and the rock a couple of feet awaysmiley - doh

smiley - magic Imagine for a moment the old magician/illusionist trick with a table and tablecloth full of crockery, glasses etc. One jerk of the tablecloth and the glasses are left standing on the table unharmed! *Gasp* of amazement from audience - well that was us last night.smiley - rofl

He seemed very hungry and ate at least half of the contents of the dish, staying to eat and not running off with each mouthful. He/she returned about 1.15am but didn’t stay long. The dish was empty this morning but I cannot be sure whether it was foxes or badgers, there being no badger evidence.

The birds were early this morning after another cold smiley - brr night and the blackbird was sitting on the fence willing pHM to go and open the tray, which of course he wouldn’t smiley - doh. I took the lid off and a couple of blackbirds were joined by a third on the ground. The robin dived in for cheese under the beaks of the blackbirds, and a nuthatch wasn’t far behind. Four bullfinches arrived (two pairs) along with several starlings. The blue and great smiley - tits zipped in and out, sharing the cotoneaster with the dunnocks and a robin.

A beautiful jay flew in just ahead of a couple of magpies and four wood pigeons, and three squirrels raced around causing mayhem. smiley - grr Ginger smiley - devil wandered through but didn’t seem particularly interested in the birds for once. A few chaffinches bravely stayed till he was within striking distance but chickened out at the last minute. smiley - rofl

smiley - star The female woodpecker visited the peanut cake at 7.40 and 8.30am and may well have visited several times afterwards, but unfortunately I had to go out smiley - wah

Tonight the badger dish has a big, heavy blue engineering brick on top of the plate, so we will see how the fox gets on with that. There is no doubt the badger will move it but it will be interesting to see if the fox manages it smiley - smiley

I have a meeting this evening which is why this post is going up early, but I shall be around late evening no doubt.

See you later,

Websailor smiley - dragon

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