Journal Entries

Bonnies Back

Hiya Everyone,

Well i have been away for a while but i feel ready to come back now!. I`ve been feeling a tad strange recently & emotional, just needed a bit ov time out!!. Now i realise why, just been thru the change smiley - bleep no wonder i been so blue
Hope you lot can forgive a proper nanna/nana smiley - rofl

smiley - love Trish

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Latest reply: Aug 8, 2004

I wonder...

If anyone even noticed i don`t come here a lot anymore!! be honest i feel like i was just a spare part in the end, no-one even noticed me much in tea shoppe when i was here.
I suppose all good things come to an end at some point, but when i 1st came on here i felt part ov something special, like i belonged.
My life is different now, my son Alex & his girlfriend Tracey have moved in with me & their baby is due in a week!!. She was having pains last night but they were 10mins apart so its not time to panic yet...
I really miss all ov you & wish things had stayed the same between us all in tea shoppe, i could use my friends right now, coz i am so depressed but can`t show my feelings to son coz he has enuff on his plate at the mo & im using every ounce ov willpower i have to hold it together, so if theres anyone out there who gives a fig plz respond!.

Take Care Love Trish xx

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Latest reply: May 9, 2004

Feeling Lonely

I miss all ov you so much, i find it hard to comprehend that anyone could be so petty-minded as to do this to us digibox users smiley - wah
Hopefully service will get back to normal before too long in the oLDe tea shoppe & other establishments on here too that must be equally quiet, most ov my friends know my e-mail addy already but for those ov u who dont its [email protected]
i have been having withdrawal symptoms from this, i hope we can get back soon smiley - wah well im going for a lookaround now & then im off getting some retail therapy so take care all ov u & plz drop me a line

smiley - love Trish xxx

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Latest reply: Feb 12, 2004


To avoid that annoying repetive channel in corner ov your screen follow these easy stages smiley - smiley

1. choose what channel you want to watch.
2. go to e-mail.
3. when names appear press interactive quickly followed by ok & carry on as normal.

Happy Viewing & Chatting smiley - biggrin

smiley - love Trish

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Latest reply: Feb 1, 2004

Blasted Dogs :o(

Well it looks like im not gonna get much sleep for a few weeks smiley - wah my 2 smiley - dog`s are in heat & tonight for the past hour or so there has been knocks at my door smiley - yawn someone has obviously trained their smiley - dog to rattle the letterbox when it wants in!. I have been out & taped the l/box up but now its scratching at the doors front & back & crying coz it wants Kim & Lockie to come out & play smiley - yawn So i got 1 smiley - dog whining to come in & 2 smiley - dog`s whining to get out, somebody help me smiley - rofl & i have tried the bucket ov water treatment too smiley - wah
Think i`ll price that spray that hides the smell ov smiley - dog`s in heat, does anyone know if it works plz ?

smiley - love a very sleepy Trish xxx

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Latest reply: Jan 6, 2004

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