This is a Journal entry by BonnieParker...


Post 21

MR FLOYD...Living It Large...

hi movie watchers, did you know that front row show over 30 movies a day, and prices start from as little as 1.99. just thought id let you know. also xmen 2 is coming soon on front row. also bruce almighty is showing this month on front row.the recruit is showing today on front row.i love the front row adverts,there so gripping and tense the drama is so overwhelming and not for the fainthearted,thats why i bought a video so when i go to bed i leave the tape running so i dont miss the action. 3 cheers for front row smiley - lovegx get your popcorn sit back and enjoy the movie coz its all available today on front row.xgx


Post 22


George smiley - hug>

You are a dafty smiley - rofl but aye yer reet i live for front row,not, dream aboot it every nite (in my nitemares)
chat tomozz sleep well l smiley - love xxtxx


Post 23


NEVER Mr Floyd ?? 30 movies a day and only £1:99 each.....You learn something everyday don't you ?? hahahahahaha Pinky x .... Hi Trish xxxx Hope your well xxxx See you soon Love Pinky xxxx


Post 24

MR FLOYD...Living It Large...

hey trish & pinky ive just heard some breaking news a boot front row.Next month telewest are bringing oot an adult only version its called back row. Theres going to be loads of nudity,sex scenes, group action,threesomes, foursomes, in one scene a bloke was by himself so he had a one some.cumin soon on back row. watch this space. if i hear anymore info i will keep you informed. smiley - lovegeorge xx


Post 25


oi George behave will ya smiley - rofl go & be naughty in your own journal smiley - laughsmiley - ticklesmiley - kiss


Post 26


Hi Trish xxx xx Hi Mr Flyd xxx Dirty Movies in the back row !!!! Makes no difference to me,I'm watching TV hahahaha YIPPEEEEE Love Pinky xxx See you both soon xxx

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