This is a Journal entry by BonnieParker...

Blasted Dogs :o(

Post 1


Well it looks like im not gonna get much sleep for a few weeks smiley - wah my 2 smiley - dog`s are in heat & tonight for the past hour or so there has been knocks at my door smiley - yawn someone has obviously trained their smiley - dog to rattle the letterbox when it wants in!. I have been out & taped the l/box up but now its scratching at the doors front & back & crying coz it wants Kim & Lockie to come out & play smiley - yawn So i got 1 smiley - dog whining to come in & 2 smiley - dog`s whining to get out, somebody help me smiley - rofl & i have tried the bucket ov water treatment too smiley - wah
Think i`ll price that spray that hides the smell ov smiley - dog`s in heat, does anyone know if it works plz ?

smiley - love a very sleepy Trish xxx

Blasted Dogs :o(

Post 2


Oh, Trish smiley - cheerup
I'm sorry to know you can't sleep well.
I think it's time for them to play with at nightsmiley - rofl. At such time no spray is affective, I guess. Because they smell other's body odours. smiley - cats as well smiley - grr The smiley - dogs are someone's smiley - dogs?, then you can complaint to the smiley - dog keeper about it. I know it's very annoying problem.
I hope you can sleep enoughsmiley - tea
smiley - sorry this dosen't help you smiley - cry
smiley - cheerup
smiley - stiffdrink

Taamyu smiley - titsmiley - love

>>>>smiley - wah I can't sleep well for weeks, neither. But it's not for smiley - dogs matter, but just for insomnia

Blasted Dogs :o(

Post 3

scrapy1(why not come to my cocktail bar at A2195364)

hi hun smiley - sorry to hear about ur 2 smiley - dog i know what u are going through as a few years ago we had a mother and son and that was murder, the spray only works to take the smell away but it doesnt stop them jumping as u well know that smiley - dog are very sensitive in smelling and hearing oh and also sensing smiley - smiley

Blasted Dogs :o(

Post 4

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi trish, i read somewhere that anniseed puts dogs off the sent.

it screws up there sence of smell.

and pepper blown through the letterbox was a way my mother put a ameroius dog off when we had missy years ago.hope these help jimbobsmiley - discoxx

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