This is a Journal entry by BonnieParker...

Feeling Lonely

Post 41


no probs hun tell ya wot me email addy is [email protected] hun email me on that hat addy hun and we can have a good chat as like u say ya limited as wot too say on here ar'nt u..i dont talk 2 nebody really now off ld..if ya daughter ever wants a chat just tell her she can email me as im lookin 4 old m8s off ld..i think i may know wot name i i knew her under but dint wanna saysay on her but if u email me i'll tell u the name and u can ask her yeah??
i knew one tracey from telford though..

Feeling Lonely

Post 42


the one who i speak 2 in email wernt from ur way i dont think but like i say im sure i used 2 ur daughter on LD.Wot was ur name on ld hun??tell me in email if u want hun.

Feeling Lonely

Post 43


hi again seph i thik you must of gone off line i'll be going off my self soon i'll keep a checkout for if you email me
what part of telford was tracey from hun it wt wern't woodside was it??x

Feeling Lonely

Post 44


hiya. ive just mailed yousmiley - smiley

smiley - rose

Feeling Lonely

Post 45


cheers hun i've just emailed you back smiley - hug

Feeling Lonely

Post 46


hi trish you dont know me but i,m as p...ed of as you about this situation take care....niceguy4 x

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