This is a Journal entry by BonnieParker...

Feeling Lonely

Post 21


Trish are you there ???And who's stolen all of my beautiful art work you so kindly did for me ??? Love Pinky xxxx

Feeling Lonely

Post 22

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate

Hiya Pinky !!! your back smiley - rose

Love Chris. XXX

Feeling Lonely

Post 23


Just got home from work(cold) Read your e-mail came home,rearead your e-mail here I am All thanks to someone called Jim !!!! Love Pinky xxxxxxxx

Feeling Lonely

Post 24

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate

Well Jim is our hero !!!!! ... cold here too and I still have the sniffles Sounds like you should be tucked up in a nice warm bed ... with a nice hot drink and the TV guide !!!

Love Chris.XXXX

Feeling Lonely

Post 25


Hahahaha yes Chris,this cold isn't much better ,but the chemist is pleased hahaha Just so wonderful knowing your here I cannot believe it xxxxxxx Love Pinky xxxxxxxxx

Feeling Lonely

Post 26

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate

Are you staying home for the evening now ???? Turn that heating up and shut that cold world out .... If I were there I would smiley - cuddle you to help you warm up as well smiley - ok

Loev Chris. XXXX

Feeling Lonely

Post 27


As far as I'm concerned ,you are here xxx Yes I'm home for the evening now !!!! I shall be here tonight(just hope I remember how I did this !!! Shouldn't you be preparing tea ?????? Love Pinky xxxx

Feeling Lonely

Post 28

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate

I have switched things on .... my sis will keep an eye on it ...or the smoke alarm will go off ... one way or another we will know when its ready

Who is cooking your tea ??? as you should be being looked after smiley - love

Love Chris. XXXX

Feeling Lonely

Post 29


I'm far to happy to eat !!! I'll have a cuppa soup later xxxxxxxx Love Pinky xxxxxxxx

Feeling Lonely

Post 30

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate

Just make sure you get an early night and keep warm .... or I will have to come up there and be your smiley - nurse ...til you are 100% again smiley - biggrin

Love Chris. XXXX

Feeling Lonely

Post 31


NO !!!! I'll be here with you !!! Don't worry xxxxx Love Pinky xxxxxxx

Feeling Lonely

Post 32


Hi there you two try and keep the fact that at you are back low key, cos we don`t want the wrong people to know do we? so you met smiley - monster
as well did you..good ol Jim, great to see you all
smiley - bubblysmiley - cake
Marc smiley - coolsmiley - thief

Feeling Lonely

Post 33

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate

No worries Marc .... mums the word !!!! smiley - ok

Feeling Lonely

Post 34


Told you I'd be back Chris xxx Hi marc the low key is the only key I use hahaha Lovely to hear from you Love Pinky xxx

Feeling Lonely

Post 35


hi lyndsey would it be possible 4 you too send me the link hun my addy is [email protected] thx hun

Feeling Lonely

Post 36


i can only get on on p.c and that aint very often grrrr help!!!

Feeling Lonely

Post 37



this is probably a long shot but are you the same westmidsbabe, that used to or still talks to my daughter tracey??????

hsmiley - rose

Feeling Lonely

Post 38


i do do talk 2 a lady called tracey in email yes hun i cant remember where shes from
i talk 2 her in email hun..thats if it is ur is she hun?im kell bytheway

Feeling Lonely

Post 39


if its the same 1 i spoke 2 her the other day.
where u from hun??

Feeling Lonely

Post 40


if its the same tracey, she has recently returned to live in telford.

im not going into details on here, but she has been living in stafford.

she had many names while in LD, but i cant remember any of them.
my brain cell is goingsmiley - wah

helen.smiley - rose

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