This is a Journal entry by BonnieParker...

Bonnies Back

Post 81


well i got 20/20 vision normally but i been drinking archers tonight,in fact i think im turning into an alcoholic...oops.....
my ankles & knees are going though & my mind

Bonnies Back

Post 82

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

trish... that you luv... smiley - cuddle
where the 4k you been girl????? smiley - love xxxxx

Bonnies Back

Post 83

scrapy1(why not come to my cocktail bar at A2195364)

hi trish its heather hun ive just came back on this tonight after recieving the link. still finding my way around as ive been away that long i cant remember how to use it lol :@)

Bonnies Back

Post 84

scrapy1(why not come to my cocktail bar at A2195364)

hi trish its heather hun hows u/. ive just got back in here after email been off for a while :@)

Bonnies Back

Post 85


hi everyone hope ur fine

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