This is a Journal entry by BonnieParker...

Bonnies Back

Post 21


TRISH !!!!!!!!! Your here xxx Speak soon. Love Pinky xxxxx Hi Everyone hope your all OK x

Bonnies Back

Post 22


good morning pinky.
how are you keeping smiley - smiley
smiley - rose

Bonnies Back

Post 23


Hello You xxx I'm fine thankyou so much,hope you are too !!! I'm catching up hahahaha not been in for ages,just the odd visit.Lovely hearing from you xxxx

Bonnies Back

Post 24


it gets you like that sometimes.. dont hear from anyone for ages and then you get loads of messages smiley - smiley
im ok thanks, will be better tonight when smiley - monster goes back to work. i hate bank ho
lidays smiley - wah.
he is like a big kid and needs entertaining. i will get him to go to a car boot sale when he wa he wakes up.. that will shut him up for a while smiley - rofl
smiley - rose

Bonnies Back

Post 25


Hahahahaha don't bother with the sale Helen,the car boot sounded good to me hahaha Good to know your OK xxxx

Bonnies Back

Post 26


i never thought of just putting him in the boot..

should have done that a long time ago smiley - roflsmiley - run

smiley - rose

Bonnies Back

Post 27


hiya bonnie ,,fancy seeing you on here lol..its me milly from yoome,,howz ya doing hun

Bonnies Back

Post 28

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

trish.... smiley - cuddle

where you disappeared to again darling?????

smiley - love

Bonnies Back

Post 29


monster who us men how cruel you women can be talking about the better sex hahahahahahaha hello bonnie jackie oh not met u yet mille lol

Bonnies Back

Post 30


you havent seen my smiley - monster

smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah he gives men a bad name smiley - rofl

smiley - rose

Bonnies Back

Post 31


hahahahahahaha abd you aint seen my monster lol down boy hahaha

Bonnies Back

Post 32


this is hootoo not faceparty smiley - roflsmiley - whistle

smiley - rose

Bonnies Back

Post 33


Hiya Everyone smiley - hug

Sorry its been a while but had bovver getting on the couple ov times i have tried been slung back out again,,hardly get a spare moment here at mo mo with Daniel, seems like two mins since he was born now he eating proper food smiley - smiley

Waves to Sheryl, Pinky, Helen, Milly, n not forgetting shifty........r u out there Marc ?

chat soon evry1 t/c love Trish xxx

Bonnies Back

Post 34


mornin trish.smiley - smiley
good to hear from you again.
i have a 'granddaughter' who is 21 months old now. she is sons daughter. im technically not related.
she is into everything an and knows that she is being naughty, but does it all the more. she eats like a horse an is as skinny as a beanpole.. she loves being taken out for a for little walks around the houses. she is learning new words everytime we see her and knows how to get what she wants..
because her mom and real gran are so housepproud and dont like a spec of dust everywhere and are constantly cleaning and telling her off for making a mess.... she comes to me a lot, cos i dont care and only worry about cleaning her up after ive finished feeding her. her mom spends more time wiping her clean, than getting the food in.
its great eat being a 'gran'. cant see me getting any grandkids from my children thoughsmiley - blue
smiley - rose

Bonnies Back

Post 35

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hi trish... smiley - hug
good to see you again luv.... you take care now.... smiley - stiffdrink

hi helen.... smiley - hugsmiley - cider lol...

Bonnies Back

Post 36


hi sheryl.

im following you around the threads.. smiley - rofl

dont know how long i can keep this up smiley - biggrin

smiley - rose

Bonnies Back

Post 37

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

don't know luv, but i'm havin' a hot flush.... but that could be me poster of the lads.... smiley - rofl

Bonnies Back

Post 38


you need a bucket of icy cold water being chucked over you smiley - roflsmiley - runsmiley - run
smiley - rose

Bonnies Back

Post 39

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

so true.... smiley - rofl

Bonnies Back

Post 40


im being chatted up(online) by a 30 year old bloke from turkey..

i think he is after a passport to happiness, and i dont mean my body smiley - rofl

so ive told him that i am happily married, 67 and got loads of kids..

it doesnt seem to put him off as he still wants to meet me...

what is it about me that is so irresistable smiley - somersaultsmiley - roflsmiley - biggrin

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