Journal Entries

Jack's Journal: Jack DESTROY!!


Last night I woke up in a stress.

Short explanation of reason: Jack has written A manga strip which he though was original at the time but naturally isnt really that original. What is. Anywhos, Jack knows the story, can tell you the story in detail, can tell you all about the characters HOWEVER Jack has been too lazy to do the framing etc for it. He did a rather smiley - bleep rough draft due to coersion (is that spelt right?) but hasnt bothered to do it properly.

Last night, I woke up and thought: "For smiley - bleeps sake just do it!"

Jack has come to realise he is EXTREMELY lazy when it comes to art. He doesnt finish things properly and sort of gives up at the last minute. This means him having a DeviantArt account is rather pointless since he half finishes pictures then puts them up anyway when he KNOWS there are 2 billion mistakes and everyone thinks hes a crud artist

WHY am I talking in the first person at random points?

Anyway, so I started doing the frames for said strip properly last night. Did a bit then felt tired and went to sleep.

Woke up this morning and I feel all irratated and frustrated with myself and want to redraw everything in sight but I do realise this would take me RATHER a long time. Major internal battle. Laziness V perfectionism. Serious problems.

And now my Manga pen is dried up and I havent got a lighter.


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Latest reply: Apr 3, 2006

A new Journalette by Jack

OOps, havent been on too much

smiley - yikes

Better do some ACEing....

How've all you naughty critters been doing?

I'm going through a "blah" patch- lack of enthusiasm. Need to get myself drawing more again

Need to actually finish some of these unfinished projects.....

smiley - zzz Tired. And my kittykats done something funny to his leg. (on top of them having done something nasty to a toad and made himself ill thing). Think he may have been attacked.

Must must must must finish projects.......

Finally got fed up of LINUX on my laptop because it was too complicated to make programs I like and am use to run on it. Stuck an XP disk in that came with a PC and was told I have to confirm it within 30 or I wont be able to use it....... smiley - bleep ! since when did they start doing that? Laptop is connected to internet so cant do it that way! And.... all I have is the disk (which is only meant to be used with dell PCs....) so how can I confirm it? Answer:Cant!

Anyone know any sneaky ways round this...........? *cough*

Anywhos. Must do more art. Must finish projects. MUSNT EAT ALL CHOCOLATES IN A FRENZY.

lindor chocs are so addictive........

Tell me how you lot are then, your turn! TTFN

-Jack x

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Latest reply: Mar 7, 2006

Jacks Journal: St Vals day

I've been having a lot of picture envy recently.

I'm not very good at this digital art business, and in the type of drawing I do everyone perfects there pictures using that now leaving mine miles behind without any pretty effectssmiley - erm

Trouble is, I'm one of those artists that generally hates his own pictures anyway

And I cant take criticism or praise particularly well

smiley - weird

Now, for St Vals day mesa decided Isa gonna draw a pretty picture

I thought maybe a girl and a valentines day angel

However, its surprisingly hard to decide what a guy angel wears

anywhos, so I did this rough sketch and showed Cal, and I didnt particularly like it, and he loves it smiley - biggrin

I shall perservere with my pencil and make it perfect now. Then I shall finish all those other projects I meant to finish yonks ago


PS. I know this journal really had little point

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Latest reply: Feb 13, 2006

Jacks Journal: By The Way...

I feel Meh. I'm tired and a little low.

Although, I did have an amusing conversation last night (this is paraphrased due to bad short term memory)

Me: Cal, would you still live me even if got breast implaments?
Cal: ......
Me: What?
Cal: Sorry, I was just imagining you with Jordan sized boobs. What would you want to do that for?
Me: So I can wear pretty lacey bras like they sell in Ann Summers!
Cal: Well you could wear them anyway
Me: But I'd have no reason to!

and so on............. well.... its not fair..... Girls get to wear much prettier clothes..... *mutter mutter*

Dont worry by the way I'm not going to get it done....... havent got the money anyway ....... smiley - tongueoutsmiley - diva

so.......... hows tricks everybody then?


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Latest reply: Jan 31, 2006

Jacks Journal: Arty things

I appear to be doing art requests now!

any offers?

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Latest reply: Jan 18, 2006

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