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hi san see your on ok

Post 161

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
im only 6 miles from bronte country,howarth.
have to go there again someday,last time was years ago.
should be heading for hudderfield about 24th this month,its about 45 mins by train
a friend and is lass,are coming down from scotland to see him lasses sister who lives in honley just outside hudderfield,so we are planning a day meetup,weather permitting,
lovely weather yesterday,managed to paint the front part of the front fence.
later alligator jimbobxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 162


Hi Jim

hows your fence doing have you finished it.we hade a storm last night not much thunder ,its been hot and sunny today,at last that humid dull weather has gone,not been able to sleep earlier in the weeek ,slept down stairs 2 nights,had trouble with my breathing,i'm fine now,looking forward to weekend,havin kids tomorow night while my daughter and her hubby go out,then back at their house Sunday for lunch,and to watch Wolves first match of the season on tv,have a good weekendxxxxSan

hi san see your on ok

Post 163

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
it was hot and sunny here yesterday, and looks set to be the same today.
i wssnt taking any chances of doing my legs in again, so i paid a neibours lad £10 to paint the garden side of the fence, and to mow the front garden.

ratface,my lodger wants to get up at 12 midday,so ill do the back garden this afternoon.
its the estate clearup day tomorrow, so i can get rid of any rubbish that i dont want,jimxxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 164


Hi Jim

Hope all is well with you,i'm fine,been to my daughters for a drink tonight,its her birthday tomorow,she will be 39,,,,cant beleive i have one that age,only feel that age myself lol
anyway you take care,hope this rain gets less soon good for the gardens though.


hi san see your on ok

Post 165

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
its a bit dark here, but the sun keeps trying to appear.
im shattered today, i stayed up late last night(or should i say morning)and watched the goerge kennedy(magnificent seven)film.
been watching some bits of the olimpics,but im not a sport mans.except f1 racing,its on this afternoon,but if shuey well in the lead by half way, its boring and i,ll turn over or off.
take care till next time round jimbobxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 166


Morning Jim

Well its my day off,and was hoping to get in the garden to tidy round and get my washing done,but the sun as just gone in and its gone very dark,so it looks like rain again,its still very warm though,hope you are ok,

hi san see your on ok

Post 167

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san,its mild and sunny at the moment.
ive just been into town to pay a £75 cheque into the bank.
some good news, last night telepest, told me i would have (no) payment till 26 sept,because of the mess one idiot caused me with my account,
about £35 saved, and i still have a£1-99 film to watch anytime i want.
andd while i was out the shower asessment team, called to say they are coming tomorrow to see if i warreant an open(standup)shower,fingers crossed and toes lol jimbobxx
ps, i have been sort of offered a pc,so im number crunching to see if i can afford to go on the internet.

hi san see your on ok

Post 168


Hi Jim

I have been trying to see if i can get on the internet too,but according to my instructions to my pc i cant connect to digital phone line,phoned tw and pc world today said they thought it would be ok but they did not sound as if they realy knew what they were on about,it could blow my modem or not work at all,everyone i have asked say theirs worked ok so keep your fingers crossed

hi san see your on ok

Post 169

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi again,
i had to go offline the ruddy thing kept saying ide written nowt lol.
its not the using internet, its all the hasstle and cost if it goes wrong,
what with viruses and wont load, cant acsess the inter,went tw is having probs(which seems to happen daily)
ive been trying to ring a friend for hours but only getting the dead signal,and the pc email keeps coming back ggrrr,later jimbobxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 170


Hi Jim

Well i have gone on line...but your right what a lot of hassel,still once i am up and running proper should be ok...takes a lot to get my head round it all...still i should be able to see the pics of those peeps on here.look forward puttin faces to names.


hi san see your on ok

Post 171

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
its fun though messing about on the pc.
well i think its time i told you my news,i have a pc to now,its a dell,optiplex,gr+,with a packard bell screen, and im told its got windows
98 installed(a bit over my head for now)
im going to argos later this morning to get a pc desk,for £19-99,while i can afford it.
telepest mucked up again,and took a payment 2nd this month so i wont have a payment till 26th sept now,so i can use some out of the bank.
i got a chair from my lodger(grt nephew)get this, for £5,it was his old one.
well must get ready later,alligator jim.xxxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 172


Thats great news Jim,he could have given you the chair though!!!I have sorted mine out,and getting used to being on line i'v got surf unlimited fromTW and have msn messager so i can do instance messages,which is great because now i can chat away to my friend in Newcastle Under Tyne,she as been helping me with it I will send you my new email later...ok you take care,must get ready for work now

hi san see your on ok

Post 173

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
all ready to go online,its a long time to the 4th,but ive waited this long lol.
ive tryed the system,its working to its capasity, so all i have to do is wait.
take care,jimbobxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 174


hi jim im writing this from my pc can you give me the link so i can find the photos

hi san see your on ok

Post 175

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
go to my space,and you will see a link,jimcracker-jim,click and you will get firstpage acsess,to acsess each set,click the 1 to (whatever its up to)in turn.
when you send a email,ill send the weblink,
can add the link to your space(as fotki gallery) if thats would be better, i think i still have your details in my book, take care jimbobxxx
ps,happy surfing,after the 4th, i should be doing the same, i hope.

hi san see your on ok

Post 176


hi jim found the pics ok thanx,nice to see what peeps look like,im on the tv at the mo,as just got in from work thought i would chk my emails,will still chk on here till everyone knows my new addy,pleased your system is up and running wont be long till 4th take care

hi san see your on ok

Post 177

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san

its the 2nd now,tw called to resced as they had a free spot between 8am and 1pm next thursday.

i would have played the games, but mine wasnt ever added,bo ho,lol.

didnt get the call today to set off for huddersfield,so should be tomorrow,i hope.


hi san see your on ok

Post 178


Morning Jim
Are you all fixed up now,are you on line,its been a busy week for me .been on line late at night getting used to it,i will send you my hotmail email addy thru the tv though,as thats what i'm on this morning,i am on msn and can get instant msgs are you going to go on it? off to work now,take care.
xxSan Happy surfing

hi san see your on ok

Post 179

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
ive sent you a reply on the hotmail addy
i wont be on till after dinner on monday,if everything goes well, i now have the amount(and more)memory for broadband,and the windows are 98
2nd edition,so fingers crossed jimbobxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 180


hi jim got your email my memory is 128mb and i'm windows XP im only on dial up £14 a month its fast enough for what i want,getting to grips with it now,hope to see you on line soon,

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