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hi san see your on ok

Post 141


Morning Jim

Got your pic,nice one.
I have not had a good night,,,funny dreams.kept waking,worrying over John,no use worrying realy cant change anything,just got to make the best of things,yes its midsummer is'nt it,love this time of the year,have you done your back garden?we have had rain on and off yesterday,looks as if it will be same today,gardens need it though,take care

hi san see your on ok

Post 142

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
not had chance to do back garden, weather to unpredictable at the time
sorry late repying emails been up the creek yet again jimbobxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 143


Hi Jim

Sorry not replied sooner,hope you are well,
I am ok a bit tired,been busy at work,and here at home,never seems to be enough hours in the day.and i seem to be at everyones beck and would be nice to have some time to take care


hi san see your on ok

Post 144

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
im going to be busy myself through the day now the weathers picked up,im restarting from where i left off with the family searches.
so i will be at the library most days while the weathers ok.with luck.
i,ll still be checking the h2 on a nightly basis
take care jimbobxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 145


Hi Jim

Hows your week been?

Mines been usual

No time to myself.would love to get away on my own,even if for a few days,,,no chance of it though,Why is it everyone want a piece of me LOL

Sorry for moaning Jim just feeling a bit down at the moment,hope your ok

xx San

hi san see your on ok

Post 146

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
nothing different than usual,its rained for 5 days solid, but its sunny today, but will it last, as i write its gone dark,
have to go out but not till 10am, only to the docs to get my tablets,
ah the suns back,well catch you next time around take care jimxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 147


Hi Jim

Hows things,i have been bust this week,and work as been yuk,,and the weather has not helped realy feel fed up,except tonight our friends came ,the men went out so me and Maureen had acouple of bottles of red and a good natter,now i'm to alert to go to bed,so thought i would pop in here,jope you are ok


hi san see your on ok

Post 148


Sorry about spellings Jim must be the wine LOL

hi san see your on ok

Post 149

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
mine is bad and i dont drink lol
another boring sunday, wet,cold and windy,
i was looking forward to the f1 race, but even that got boring lol
take care, and have a better weekend than me jimbobxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 150


Jim soz not been on,my keyboard is broken,havin 2 use on screen keybord,its a pain,

hi san see your on ok

Post 151

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

ho dear,san
what have you done to the k,board,the most favourite thing people do, is spill something on
the keys,
just been to the library,most of the pc,s are out of action,i only had 15mins today,
the weathers a bit warmer today, but still no sun,must be behind the clouds.
have you contacted tw about repairing you board,
stupid question,have you replaced the batteries
and are they in the right way,later jimbobxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 152


Hi Jim

At last i can get in this morning,after being off since friday,my k.board is ok now,when i opened the compartment for the batteries,one of the battery's had leaked,never had that happen before,anyway had to clean it and let it dry out.hope you are ok.i have the this afternoon,as they have broken up for the 6 week hols.take care


hi san see your on ok

Post 153

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
just back from town and the library
did you remeber to click the small square box
after putting in your user and password,
if you did,when you answer this you should only have had to click the smiley,instead of registering again
the weathers been sunny and warm up to now, its now gone dark and dull,later jimbobxxxx
ps,i get my batteries from the market, on a strip,of 20 or more for a £1,they are great for the remotes,but not advisable for anything with a motor jim

hi san see your on ok

Post 154


Hi Jim

Idid not have to sign in again,so dont know what was happening anyway im in thats the main thing,Jon gets the batterys off the market too,dont know why the one leaked never had that happen before.that happens if you dont use it and you leave batterys in,kids have gone off swimming so i'm off into the garden know chat again soon,take care.xxxSan

hi san see your on ok

Post 155

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

it might be because it only stops after a reboot, the square box if ticked will keep it online all the time,jimxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 156


Morning Jim

Its lovely and sunny here,and i break up today for a week,so does John,we are not going away,so it will just be nice to please ourselves and have a lazy week,well must get dressed ready for work,hope you are ok.


hi san see your on ok

Post 157

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
its not decided yet what to do weatherwise here.
im out again this morning to collect the washing i let to be done
catch on the flip, take care jimbobxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 158


Hi Jim

I'm fine,hope you are,on hols this week,stopped at money LOL as usual

hi san see your on ok

Post 159

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
im on a permanant holiday lol
but my holiday would be using my bus/train pass to the edge of my area.
such as barnsley,leeds/huddersfield and wakefield-with shipley thrown in,and not to forget howarth,bronte country,
hey when i come to think of it,for 30 pence,60p return i could have a good day out.
i,ll have to take a day out when the weathers ok
later alligator jimxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 160


Hi Jim

Its back to work for me today,and its going to be a scorcher!!!!,had a nice week,did not do much.Jim you are lucky there is some beautiful countryside and places to visit up your way,hope your ok


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