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hi san see your on ok

Post 1

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san,
it keep locking me out, i must have written it wrong and i didnt have the answer to unlock the page my end jimxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 2


Hi Jim,Many thanx,ihave just worked it out,hope i can do it again,im tired an awful im going off to bed with hot toddy and paracetamol,have sent you emailxxxSan

hi san see your on ok

Post 3

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi sansmiley - love
you take it easy,its been snowing here last night,the suns out but to cold with my back to go out anywhwere, except to bring the wheelie in when the ruddy bin men have been,they are half hour late today,must be the snow,
-----smiley - disco
take care jimxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 4


Evening Jim,im not too bad now, i have been to work,its still cold here,in fact i can see the ice forming on our car now,they have promised us snow much to the delight of my grandson who i have promised to help build him a snowman if we get enough(why do promise these thingsLOL)hope you are ok my friend,and your backs not too painful.John issuffering with his feet at the moment in a lot o pain at the end of th day kils him to walk he as osteo arthritis.Well you take care keep warmxxxxSan

hi san see your on ok

Post 5

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
its about 9-30,im just having a break from watching tv,
its still cold here tonight, hope it dont snow again
well half hour till reality again on 5.
man i must be getting old, the stuff im watching latelylol.
later alligator jimbobxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 6


Morning Jim,The snow as arrived thru the night not much though.its still very cold ,my outside thermometre broke.its 8.15 now i will soon be going off to work.what you up to over the weekend,im going to clean right thru the house,so John wont have much to do while im away,i have cooked and frozen a stew and chilli for him,he is good at looking after himself,so i know he wont starve.he is a good cook.well have a good weekend xxxx San

hi san see your on ok

Post 7

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san im hopeing to be £450 richer by
im going to do the 3 pick lotto.some hope.
probably stay in ibernation for the weekend its to ruddy cold, as i write this, my therms just
set the rads off again, its clicking away merrily lol
catch you on the flip jimbobxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 8


Hi Jim,just come from work brrrrr its cold.doin shopping when J comes from work at 2.30 then its hibernation for us over the weekend too.snow nearly all gone,so we have been lucky..Adams not pleased about that.but i am, no snowman to build take carexxxSan

hi san see your on ok

Post 9


good luck with th Lotto.we do it every week,maybe its our turn to win LOLxxSan

hi san see your on ok

Post 10

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
the system is giving a few problems.the betsie keeps timing out.
i dont get the prob my box is one of the d14.s
40000 ones,
well im going to make a plate of chips im hungry
later alligator jimbobxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 11


Morning Jim.well all seems well with system here touch wood LOL.Iv had a busy weekend(housework)its still very cold.but nomore snow,we got off light.iv just been into the garden to feed the birds and put fresh water out for them,we dont get many in,just a couple of doves/woodpigeon/blackbird.and sometimes blutits.but we like to keep the bird table topped up.i have got too go and turn up acouple of pairs of trousers,hate sewing,well im off to have my brekkie.have a good day keep warmxxxSan PS>> might catch you later.not at work till 1.00

hi san see your on ok

Post 12

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
ive been out and about most of the day, busy on monday, sorting out shopping till thursday.
smiley - love
it about 4pm, lecy mans just checked meter, its ok, so i,ll have to wait for lecy to tell me how the hell im to sort out there cockup,im about £450 in debit,
not to worry there mess not mine, they can have it at a pound a week lol later alligator jimxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 13


Hi Jim,I ad probs with lecy sometime ago,my metre was'nt working right,tok them ages to come and fix it,ok in the end though,did not have o pay ny thing,my system went off earlier had to reboot,thought i would not get back in hoping ths goes thru ok.that will teach me not to sy anything when its going right,some letters not showing when i type taking me ages,hav to keep going back,giving up,so i'll say goodnightxxSan

hi san see your on ok

Post 14

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san,
well my new meter seems to be ok,so with the mess the old one caused, it looks like my lecy will be a much as £14 a week,
smiley - disco
and with the arrears to sort,(i have to wait for them to write me)i havent the faintest what they will do, it was there meter that crapped out from 3 yrs ago,that as cuased it, but are they going to take the responability,lol
smiley - love
well its sunny, cold, and i aint going farther that the shop i need milk bbrr,later alligator jimbobxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 15


Morning Jim,its bright and sunny out,im just havin a coffee before i go off to work,on all day sure the lecy will be ok you can only afford to pay what you can,and its their fault,so dont let them bully you(im sure you wont)xxSan

hi san see your on ok

Post 16

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
smiley - love
how are you, hope you dont have a stressful day at work.
i have to wait till the lecy send me a letter after all the info as been checked, its been over 6 months of ups and downs with them.
smiley - disco
a few nights ago, the pebblethrows hit the window(i was in the kitchen)so it wasnt till next day i went to a mates next door,
on the way in i notices what looked like a blackish mark on one of my windows,when i went to clean it off, i found it was broken,
so i played the cam tape back to the only time i wasnt in the room,and there it was two out of about 6 pratts had thrown at the window.
its no good reporting them,it gets worse, so ive
informed the housing that kids have broke a window, and they will just replace and life will
go on till next time jimxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 17


Morning Jim,Work was'nt too bad,just looking forward to Saturday then im up and away for a week,My grndson Adam had his new bike stolen last Friday,police informed,wittness saw who took it police not been to see him for discription,as you say they wont do anything,cant claim on house insurance,because he was at the newsagents,newsagent saw the man take it,ran after him but no good.well must get on work till 12 today,might catch you later have a good dayxxxxSan

hi san see your on ok

Post 18

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi sansmiley - love

im at the library,still no luck on the missing two airmen

smiley - disco

im away in about 20 mins to a town called buttershaw, about 4 miles from town, to see a friend helen.

shes been a bit under the weather for a while, so i get up to see her when the weather allows,smiley - lovejimxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 19


Hi Jim,well i managed to get all my paper work up todate,so work wasn't too bad this mornng I was back home by 12.15,and im catching up on things at home.still not finished packing,and got to leave everything ok for John,he can cook as good as me so he wont starve LOL.I might not have time to get back on again,so you take care,chat again when i get backxxxSan

hi san see your on ok

Post 20

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

ok san,catch when your back smiley - lovejimxxxxx

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