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hi san see your on ok

Post 61

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hismiley - disco
its sunday again yuck, and whats worse is its easter,double yuck.
i,ll have to put up with calls wishing my happy easter,im a non beleiver,but i mustnt upset what left of the family lol.
ive finished my story/guide,and ive probably managed to do something oneone as even tryed to do, ive a copy on the h2g2, A2228113 and one on
the ww2 A2492624 and also the post, A2499852
the post got me the picture, i cant add one to the ww2, they are not guideml, take care hope your well soon jimbobsmiley - lovexxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 62


Morning Jim,

How are you today,I am off up the doc soon,see what he has to say....might catch you later.
have a good day,its dull here and focast is showersxxx


hi san see your on ok

Post 63

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san hope all turns out well
ive just got my specs reminder, so its the optitions on monday morning, at least i dont have to pay for the test
if i wrote my life story ide need a telephone book(with empty pages)lol later jimbobxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 64


Morning Jim.

Im up early this morning(7.30) and no work either,am in pain with my hip,so moving about beleive it or not helps,at least i know there is nothing serious wrong with me,just getting older mate lol,well im going to clean right through the house,so must get on,have a good weekend.


hi san see your on ok

Post 65

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi sansmiley - disco
im up at 8am, the ruddy workmen woke me, across the road, they are repairing the pavement
at 8am,i ask you, glad to hear your a lot better as far as the tests.
i,m out and about today again, have to visit a friend to get my shower,what a fiasco,
still waiting for the social,ser,assesment to se if they will give me one.i dont hold out much have a good weekend to smiley - lovejimxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 66


Morning Jim.

Hows things with you,i am back at work,but my day off today,so i am taking it easy as still not up to doing much,you know when i was on about you writing your autobigaraphy,well i have decided to write down the things i remember from when i was a girl,so my grandchildren will know what times were like,what do you think.i have my pc so i could do it on there.


hi san see your on ok

Post 67

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

sounds good, and if you check out the memorylane thread,there are loads of things to jog your memeory
i have another search to do tomorrow, this time
starting from 1855 to 65, i need a marraige cert
then i can start from there,the maiden name is
smith, i dont hold out much hope, there could be loads in the ten yrs jimxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 68


Hi Jim

My nan was a Smith before she married came from Warrington,Is this for your family tree,not attempted mine yet,but sound interesting to do,though frustrating at times i bet.


hi san see your on ok

Post 69

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

not mine my mate alan, im waiting for the info my neice as in a tin box that as the certs for some of my relations.

if the weather is ok tomorrow, and its raining now, so i dont think it will be.
i have to start on the parish records in the archives down town.
i was born in warrigton imfirmary 30/10/47
and lived in golbourne nr wigan till i was about
7 yrs old jimxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 70


Morning Jim,

I dont know anything about my nans life in Warrington,only know she came to the Midlands to work,then met my grandad,she became an Ash then.Well i am at work all day today,got up early because i was in pain,had some paracetamol so hope that kicks in before i go to work,weather forcast not good,more rain and windy too.take care.


hi san see your on ok

Post 71

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
its a bit cold and wet, but not to bad at the mo.
im waiting to see if the postman brings the letter im waiting for comes.
then dinner and a trip to the library,if the weather asnt changed by then jimxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 72



Hope your letter brings good news


hi san see your on ok

Post 73

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
its the best news, it will contain money, its still not here, im sat waiting again for the post,
my pennies are getting verrry low at the mo.
why couldnt they leave the two delivery alone
its caused a backlog, thats screwed up things
catch you later jimxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 74


Hi JIm

The post is hopeless these days,hope it comes soon for you.been to work this morning,feel so tired.but the suns out and its warm ben sitting in the garden.Jon was pleased the car passed its M O T,nothing to payout what a change LOL


hi san see your on ok

Post 75

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san, thats one problem i,ll never have, i cant drive,and never wanted to lol.
yep the suns out here to,still no joy on the letter im hoping for, ruddy postal service.
i found today with it being warm, im finding it harder to get up the hilly parts,going through town i had to sit on the center benches,i was shattered. later jimxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 76


Morning Jim

I love the summer,but i know what you mean about getting about when its hot,i have to take my time,as my chest is bad,have to use my inhaler more in summer than winter,i just take my time,trouble is my eldest walks so fast,so when im with her i hve to tell her to slow up.and now my joints are playing up(my hip)dont know how i will be this summer,and i dont drive,not as i would want to with todays traffic.well its weekend again,get that i hate Sundays,love my days off on Tuesdays,my time LOL

xxxSan take care

hi san see your on ok

Post 77


Has the postman bought you something nice!!!!


hi san see your on ok

Post 78

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san, not a sausage.
im still waiting for a letter with £40 in it.
the searches i did today came up deadends.
my mates decided not to try anymore,he,s happy with the stuff ive given him on 7 memebers back to 1837, so im finished now, i can sit back and take it easy,at least till something new comes along lol jimxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 79


Hi Jim

Well... what can we start you on,that pic you sent on the old train,is that an intrest of your,what about writing,if not your life story LOL what about short story on things that interest you,of course you could try Knitting realy you are real good at finding things out,dont let your talent go to waste.i am defitently going to write down about the old days for my gkids,they did not believe me i had no Tv let alone it would have been black and white only.even that we had no electricity when i lived with my nan i can even remember the elec being put in....have a good weekend,xxxxxSan

hi san see your on ok

Post 80

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san,
i lived in a house when i was younger for 6 yrs a least,(NO ELECTRIC AT ALL)
all gas,til i was 15, i didnt see a tv(and that was a neibours)
the old tin bath in front of the fire, boiling the water(everyday)on a double gas ring,
outside toilet at the far end of the backyard
(you want to read the memorylane thread)
some of my sections will open your kids eyes
later jimxxx

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