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hi san see your on ok

Post 221

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
ive just received a message on email from a friend.
there is a nasty virus doing the rounds,
its attached to a virtual card,and is activated when its opened, it freezes the pc altogether,be carefull jimxxxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 222


thanx for that Jim.i did have an error warning come up to check my status im with norton and have regular virus updates,fingers crossed i'm ok will not open any emails im not sure of thanx again

hi san see your on ok

Post 223

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
if you havent an adaware on you desktop.
you need one,put free adaware into the google search,there will be a free personal one about three down,lowesoft(or something like that,)
look on the website for the free adaware, and get the free download,(remember as you are downloading)that when you get the option for you tick it.
when you have it downloaded, you can do a check straight away(set to the full scan)
it will do a full check for any adaware that as been sneaked on you system,
when it as completed the scan,click next,if its found any,(if more than one)click you first one found,by pressing the right side of the mouse,with the circa on the small square on the left of the adawre found(this will give you a (select all)option,click this,then next,and delete any or all its found.
you will see a red circle (shortcut)on your desktop,this you double click to acsess the scan
good luck jimxxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 224


Thanx Jim
Alls well im well covered,it was just an update i had to do.hope you are well.any news on your pc yet? I am back at work,but still not 100%,had a lot to catch up with,nobody had done it for me...well i'm off to my bed now you take care

hi san see your on ok

Post 225

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
still nothing doing on the pc tower side
the weather as turned again, its ruddy wet and very windy at the mo.
ive nowhere to go today, so im staying in where its warm.
did you have the traditional pancakes yestaerday
i dont like them, its that i dont eat eggs.jimxxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 226


Hi Jim,

No i did'nt do any pancakes this year,I had not got the,the first time in years that i have'nt had them on pancake day,I have been in the wars again,I was clipping my cats claws and she bit my hand nasty it was swollen the doc at work had to give me emergency treatment,strong antibiotics and a tetanus inj,I will have that much antibiotics in me no germs will live in me lol,alls well otherwise.although i cant seem to find the time to get on here these days,you take care.

hi san see your on ok

Post 227

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
when we had our cats over a good few years, i got a good few scratches and bites,lol
i dont keep any kind of pet now(only ratface)my lodger,lol
just about to start sorting my washing to take to be done,i leave it at the washhouse and pick it up the next day or later the same day.
i check my h2 and emails at about 9-15am each morning,only takes me about half hour now, not many i know still on either here or emails,jimxxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 228


Morning Jim
Hope all is well with you I dont bother much on here now,but I do check for your postings to me.keep in touch,I will send you an email so you can see my new addy,alls well (fingers crossed) here very cold but only a sprinkling of snow so far I', m off to work at 1 today,so must get on

hi san see your on ok

Post 229

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
we had the snow here this morning, its all gone now, but ruddy cold,bbrrrr.
just back from town, had a few things at the library to sort out,take care jimxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 230


Hi Jim hope all is well with you,I have been so and Jon were off over Easter,but we had new flooring put down in the kitchen,and we had to move everything out, we were shattererd,Jim I have not forgot about the email but your addy is on the tv email and i had problems accessing it,telewest have put it right now.

take care

hi san see your on ok

Post 231

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
im still here, no luck with the pc as yet, tryed a few ways to get one, even had a relation that was going to get it for me and me pay him back, but his credit rating didnt come up to the standards of pc world, so its back to the drawing board again,one will on the 3 picks and pc here i come lol.jimxxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 232


Hi Jim
hope you are well.i seem so tired these days since was ill,all i want to do when i get from work is i have not been on here much as i go to bed about 10,sorry to hear no luck with a pc,what happened about your last on???you never got it back then?
well im off to work soon,take care

hi san see your on ok

Post 233

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
no luck on the pc side, i relation(neices hubby)was going to get one from pc world, and i would pay the monthly amount to him, but he cant because the job he does isnt covered as credit ready.he does the catalogues for littlewoods(and as you have seen on the news)he isnt safe on the door to door selling,it could be part of the redundancy they are plannig, he as to wait and see.
im off to helens in a min for my weekly shower,and calling at the library for a voucher for my next door niebour,he,s researching his family on the pc,and its to acsess the census pages.
take care till your next reply jimxxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 234


Hi Jim
Sorry its been so long,but im doing a course for work thru the internet,and thats all i seem to have time for, I hope you are ok,any news on a new pc yet,you take care

hi san see your on ok

Post 235

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san

im on it now, but still waiting for the cops to contact dell to get it of the stolen list

had the tower a few weeks now,have got msn messenger 7.0.if you have i can send you my hotmail addy then you can pc chat jimxxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 236


Hi Jim
I'm so sorry its been so long since i posted to you,but things have been pretty hectic at home and more so at work,I hope you are ok,I'm fine but tired most of the time,but I did have three numbers on the lottery this week a tenna wow!!!
take care Jim

hi san see your on ok

Post 237

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san

ive got back on the pc now,and a few days ago dell sent an email to say its off the stolen list

since i last messaged you, ive had to replace the cooker, have a leak repaired in the bathroom and the toilet box replaced to,

how you well jim xxx

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