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hi san see your on ok

Post 201

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san

i got a pc desktop, it crashed on me two days ago, but im on it now, i have reformated and reinstalled the windows, how i did it as a first timer i havent the faintest but at least it works loljimbobxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 202


Hi Jim hope all is well with you,dont come in here much,cant seem to find the time,but i will try in future,hope you pc is working alright,its a lot better than tv aint it,well must get on just come in from work ,and now i have to start again with the take care

hi san see your on ok

Post 203

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi again

im not on as much myself at the mo, the novelty is starting to wear off, i cant be bothered to even alter my space, it looks like only a few i knew are still around

i spend any time on the main webcams and look for stuff on the internet,i,ll still be around though, just now and then jimbobxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 204



hi san see your on ok

Post 205

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
with you not being on for a while you wont know the latest fiasco.
it wont be a merry anything this year for me
the jinks as struck again,
i said i was getting another tower for my pc,i did,a dell gs150,£110, after a week i had it set to what i wanted, extra memeory and so on.
so i rang dell to get the sound drivers, to add the sound,thats when the fun started,
they informed me the ruddy thing was stolen,so this was the friday,on the saturday night, the police xame to seize it, so now unless the insurance paid out, and they are willing to let me have it back when the inquiries are over, im losing at least £180 with what i added to it.
so my xmas and newyear as gone yuck,the only consolation in it all, is that telebroadband as frooze my payments till it settled one way or the other jimbobxxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 206


Hi Jim I am so sorry to hear about your pc,is there no chance of getting any money back off the person you had it off.

I wish you well Jim ,and hope you do manage to enjoy christmas,and hope 2005 turns out better for you..
take care

hi san see your on ok

Post 207

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san,
a merry xmas and happy new yearsmiley - bubbly
its the wait and see,(dont ring us we,ll ring you)lol
fingers crossed i get it back, but with my luck i aint holding out any hope,
in the wind the other day i lost the front edging to my roof, and about 6 others where damaged, its ok at the mo, even the rain this afternoon didnt get through,jimbobxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 208


Hi Jim, I can see from your other thread,things have been going wrong for you,hope you got the roof sorted.



hi san see your on ok

Post 209

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
i got the repair slip this morning, but no date when they will be coming to fix the roof,
still no news on the tower side, i think i can whistle for it now,
one good thing although the roof as at least 6 broken slates, ive got through rain and snow,without any leaks so far.jim

hi san see your on ok

Post 210


Hi Jim Well at least you did;nt get wet with your roof monitor to my pc as packed in,lucky for me i'v still got cover on it till off me and John went to PC World this morning thinking they would either fix or replace it,,no ,,no,, not that easy,they were not interested ..had to ring the people i have the cover with(although this cover was sold to me by PC World)they did let me use there phone good job too took ages to get thru,,anyhow they are sending a replacement Wednesday,so thats why im on TW at moment,,

hi san see your on ok

Post 211

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
im still off the pc as well, with the bad weather over the last few days i havent been out,
not even to put on my 3 picks, if they came up, im not even
the wind, rain and halestones have pounded the house for two days at least, but the roof as taken it up to the repair card from the housing a few days ago, but no date when they will be sorting the roof.
hope you had a good start to the new year,apart from the monitor going kaput,jimbobxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 212


Hi Jim

Yep start of the new year for us is ok(the monitor is just a glich)having a rest needed after the move from my old work place to the new building,hardwork,but now settled in,and such a lovely new place to work,its windy here too,i hate the wind does so much damage,but then its nothing is it when you look at the disaster in Asia,,,,take carexxxxSan

hi san see your on ok

Post 213

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
im sometimes asked why im an aetheist, but after the so called boxing day/new can anyone beleive there is a god.
as someone once said,we came on the earth with nothing,and we leave with nothing,and anything inbetween is down to the individual.some have and some have not.
the person at the top gets the lions share to workers get a pitence,its been the same for centuries and as long as im on this earth, it wont change one iota jimbobxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 214


Hi Jim

I am not religouse(cant even spell it LOL) although i do have my own thoughts on a god or whatever,i dont know whome im praying/talking to but i do know i have found some comfort when i have needed it.we all just have to hope something comes out of these disasters,but it does try your beliefs if you have any that is,anyway Jim take care,maybe someone is watching over you,and this year will be better

hi san see your on ok

Post 215

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
well im still being jinked, sort
i was planning to go to town this morning, but we have had a galeforce wind all night, and its still around, and its peeing down.
i still have my cold, so its a bit stupid of me if i go out in this lot, so its another day stuck in,gggrrr jimxxxxx

hi san see your on ok

Post 216


Hi Jim

Sorry not been about but i have been in hospital ,Jon took me to casualty at 4am Tue and they kept me in for 2 days,I woke with double vision and was terrified did not know what was happening to me,however after they gave me a good examination and an ecg ,looks as if i have vertigo caused by ear/sinus infection , had no double vision since thursday i am still off balance and dizzy and feel sick,on medication and off work for 2 weeks,jon reckons its also due to stress at work and its my body's way of telling me to slow down and stop worrying about others and think of myself for a change.hope thing have improved with you..take care xxxSan

hi san see your on ok

Post 217

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
sorry to hear you,ve been i,ll, hope your ok now.
still nothing on the pc front, but the housing as replaced the window that was to thin yesterday.
its been snowing last night and this morning, but its now raining and the winds getting up again.
as you online, i take it you have your new monior.jimxxxx
ps, if you go to my space, and the message(photos)you will find the thread is to the pics taken at the last meetup of h2g2,ive seen all but the aguide one.

hi san see your on ok

Post 218


Hi Jim
Sorry taken so long in replying,but not felt like coming on line and with my vision being wonky and the dizziness it would have made it worse and i could not concentrate anyhow. Hope you are ok,I am on the mend now but the medication has altererd my sleep pattern,so im not sleeping too well.Im getting fed up being at home as i have not been able to get out,im climbing the walls Jim,and im getting bored now, so i must be on the mend.Yes i have a new monitor as i had cover for it till May i did not have to pay which makes a change because usualy the cover ends then the things go wrong in our house,anf wu im off to my bed and hope i can get some sleep take care,

hi san see your on ok

Post 219

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi san
i only check the h2g2 once a day or twice now,as you can see by my messages that most people i knew have just dissapeared lol.
ive some good new myself for once,my roof is back on, my lecy bill is level, and the payments are down to £23 from 30 now,and im in credit with the gas.
still no joy on the tower,and im still waiting for the £450 on the 3picks lol,jimxxxxx
ps, its sunny today,but a bit cold still

hi san see your on ok

Post 220


Its always lovely to hear from you,although i dont come in much,other things to do on line now,but not been on anyway being ill,but hopefully on the mend now,pleased your having some good luck,hope you hear soon about your pc,take care.

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