Journal Entries

Febuary 8th

Had a trying day today. Some brainless wonder from the gas board stuck a pnumatic drill through the power cable in the street and we were without electricity. This lasted from about lunch time to 8pm. All without lights, TV, radio, music, heating, cooking facilities, and most stressfully without computers. smiley - sadface

I never want to go through a day like that again.

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Latest reply: Feb 9, 2000

Febuary 1st

Thats it I've had it with all instant messaging software. Now even AOL IM crashes my computer. I'm fed up, I'll just have to stick with Mail and H2G2. Well things could be worse.

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Latest reply: Feb 1, 2000

January 30th

I hate ICQ. I will never use it again. It has wrecked my PC for the last time. It is official, it has been uninstalled.

Sorry to all those who I talk to on ICQ but I have spent the last 12 hours trying to get my computer to work again. I've had to install Netscape specially to post again cos IE is still up the spout. I am not happy. smiley - sadface

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Latest reply: Jan 30, 2000

1st January part 2

Yea gods I was drunk last night, I actually posted something at blerch past one this morning. It was probably a mistake, I could only just focus on the keyboard. And if anyone wants to know why I'm up at shortly before 9am on new years day, its because I haven't slept yet. I thought it best to get the water in first. Anyway, happy hangover and I hope it doesn't last too long. smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Jan 1, 2000

1st January

Happy new year and all that. I'm pished as you might have guessed. fancy a drink? smiley - bigeyes

smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Jan 1, 2000

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