Journal Entries

31st December

Have a good New Year party everyone, and do get too drunk lets face it its in a good cause. smiley - smiley

And they have at last recognised the coolest man on the planet and given him a knighthood, so its congratulations to Sir Sean Connery. smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Dec 31, 1999

30th December

Yes I know, I've change my name. I did it basically cos the @@ were really starting to annoy me. So there smiley - tongueout

Anyway, most people know what it stands for. smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Dec 30, 1999

25th December

Guess what, its Christmas day. And there are only 8 people logged on at the moment, the rest must be getting slightly drunk. smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Dec 25, 1999

December 20th

We had the funeral today. It was a short service in the church with a few comments from relatives, and a quick family good bye at the crematorium. It was good to see all the family as it doesn't often happen, but it was a shame that a certain member wasn't there.

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Latest reply: Dec 20, 1999

December 13th

My Grandad died at 1:30 this morning. He was kind, generous, loving and always there. In short he was Grandad.

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Latest reply: Dec 13, 1999

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