This is a Journal entry by Menza

31st December

Post 1


Have a good New Year party everyone, and do get too drunk lets face it its in a good cause. smiley - smiley

And they have at last recognised the coolest man on the planet and given him a knighthood, so its congratulations to Sir Sean Connery. smiley - smiley

31st December

Post 2


That's an amzing coincidence. You have linked Sean Connery with the New Year and I am spending this evening watching the fireworks under the Petronis Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur; fully expecting to see the cool guy and Catherine Zeta Jones swinging from tower to tower. That is assuming that 'Entrapment' was real and a preview of what is to come! Happy New Year, anyway! smiley - smiley

31st December

Post 3


Happy new year to you both!

Have a fun party!


31st December

Post 4

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I will take your instructions to heart. And Happy new year, lets hope this one is a damn sight better than last.

31st December

Post 5


I hope you all have the parasetamol and Renni ready for tomorrow morning, erm, afternoon. There may be a world shortage. smiley - smiley

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