This is a Journal entry by Menza

Febuary 8th

Post 21


My computer is only 2 meters from my bed, I just need to get some longer arms. smiley - winkeye

Febuary 8th

Post 22


and look freakish... perhaps you'd be better to get up after allsmiley - winkeye

Febuary 8th

Post 23


I does make late night internet surfing easy though. smiley - smiley

Febuary 8th

Post 24


This is a good thing. Late night internet surfing should be encouraged at any and all costssmiley - smiley

Febuary 8th

Post 25


But usually at the cost of sleep. smiley - winkeye

Febuary 8th

Post 26


Sleep during the day when the call charges are more expensivesmiley - winkeye

Febuary 8th

Post 27


I live fairly nocternally as it is thanks, I don't need another reason avoid the sunlight. smiley - winkeye

Febuary 8th

Post 28


You're not a vampire are you?
smiley - winkeye

Febuary 8th

Post 29


No, but I think the cat is. smiley - winkeye

Febuary 8th

Post 30


LOL!smiley - smiley
How's your day been?

Febuary 8th

Post 31


Boring, tedious. The usual. And you?

Febuary 8th

Post 32


Well now I can finally access the internet properly, so overall the world is a better place for having had this day... not too interesting, though.

Febuary 8th

Post 33


Life does seam better when you can communicate with the outside world. smiley - smiley

Febuary 8th

Post 34


Does it ever! smiley - winkeye
I suppose I should lift the curse on the ITS now the problem's fixed...

Febuary 8th

Post 35


One should always leave a curse on the IT department, they are bound to screw up again so it just saves time later. smiley - winkeye

Febuary 8th

Post 36


How truesmiley - winkeye
'bye for nowsmiley - smiley

Febuary 8th

Post 37


Bye, see you soon.

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