This is a Journal entry by Menza

Febuary 8th

Post 1


Had a trying day today. Some brainless wonder from the gas board stuck a pnumatic drill through the power cable in the street and we were without electricity. This lasted from about lunch time to 8pm. All without lights, TV, radio, music, heating, cooking facilities, and most stressfully without computers. smiley - sadface

I never want to go through a day like that again.

Febuary 8th

Post 2


<!--- Sympathy ---!>
Shall I curse them?

Febuary 8th

Post 3


No, I did enought of that when the screen went black. smiley - winkeye

Febuary 8th

Post 4


I bet..smiley - winkeye

Febuary 8th

Post 5


Me storming round to check all the circuit breakers in the house, only to find it was the gas men who had bust it. Strange image.

Febuary 8th

Post 6


Happily my house remains intact, although our streetlight doesn't.
Gas people are a bad thing... Transco said we'd have to wait 2 weeks for hot water 'cause they didn't have a part... happily Estates and Buildings sorted it out within 2 days of the problem being dumped on their desksmiley - smiley

Febuary 8th

Post 7


Handy, the worst thing about today was that without electrisity out heating doesn't come on. So by the time the lights came back on it was freezing.

Febuary 8th

Post 8


I suppose it would be. Ugh.

Febuary 8th

Post 9


But its much warmer now though. smiley - smiley

Febuary 8th

Post 10


smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

Febuary 8th

Post 11


And the computer works. smiley - bigeyes

Febuary 8th

Post 12


Better...smiley - bigeyes
The main building is going to be hot waterless tomorrow, but I'm hopeful my house will be unaffected...

Febuary 8th

Post 13


I been there before, in halls without water isn't fun. Even worse if there is water but its all brown with rust and "stuff". *shudder*

Febuary 8th

Post 14


*shudders too*

Febuary 8th

Post 15


Best not to think about it for too long.

Febuary 8th

Post 16


These things we do not think about, lest they drive us mad... like labs, and water, and getting up in the morning

Febuary 8th

Post 17


I much prefer getting up in the afternoon. smiley - smiley

Febuary 8th

Post 18


Geting up should be discouraged whatever time of daysmiley - smiley

Febuary 8th

Post 19


No, You must get up at some point during the day. How else do you H2G2. smiley - smiley

Febuary 8th

Post 20


Its okay at home, where I can actually stay in bed and use the laptop and be online...
Here I do have to get up, thoughsmiley - smiley

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