This is the Message Centre for Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 21

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Yeah, Peta said she would add me to the list!

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 22


And I still havent gotten around to updating my "Pulldown List"!smiley - sadface


Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 23

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Tut tut!

I hear Faith is as evil as ever!

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 24


Yep! And she don't get any nicer!smiley - winkeye


Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 25

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

What time is it where you are by the way? (It's 11:39p.m. here)

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 26


6:15........should be about a 5 hour difference. It makes "Firetalk" and real time chats a royal pain!!!smiley - winkeye


Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 27

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

It's now 1:10 a.m. here and I'm very tired, but I'm e-mailing my friend while I can, once I've done that I'm off to sleep. I'm surprised that Shim hasn't called me off yet....

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 28


A few of us in "e-circles" attempt to get together now and then for live voice chat. It's a blast trying to find a time when folks from England, Australia, Holland, Utah(US) and Monsy and I (Alabama, US) are actually awake and coherent at the same time!!!LOL The time zones extend across a full 24 hour scale!

Needless to say, it don't happen too often!smiley - winkeye


Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 29

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

I invaded h2g2 today. Literally! Shim actually took me into TDV and gave me a mini tour! I fiddled on Peta's keyboard as well, not that it matters!

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 30


Congrats!!!! I wish I could check the place out...alas, it's a very long and expensive journey from here!smiley - sadface


Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 31

Sheepish Lord Of Chaos

Do you ever come to England? I think they should film an episode of Buffy in England!

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 32


I've never been outside the US.smiley - sadface

Monsy and I were hopeing to make the H2G2 anniversary, but it's not looking promising!smiley - sadface

Buffy in Britain.......great platform for Giles!smiley - smiley


Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 33

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

And Spike! I think people tend to forget he's English too!

I've never been outside the UK so I guess we're almost the same. You should talk to Jeni X, she's got some craze about Americans.

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 34

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

She's by the way. And why do you always sign your name as NM?

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 35

Sheepish Lord Of Chaos

I've also never been out of the UK smiley - sadface

Spike just rocks.

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 36

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

We said that! Sorry.

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 37


The UK is much like the US....there are a lot of places you can go, and never leave it!smiley - smiley

Trust me, over here there is no doubt in anyones' mind that Spike is from some part of the UK(usually folk automatically say"England" or "Britain").

Errrmm..."NM". You can see my "Form Letter" on my homepage!smiley - winkeye


Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 38

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

It's funny as it took me a long time to realise that Spike actually talks with the exact same accent as me! Now you have some kind of idea how I sound. Giles speaks in a very posh way, something I'd never do unless I was in a weird mood. Who do you think you sound like?

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 39


Cool!!! I love Spikes' accent!smiley - smiley

Me?'s hard to say. My accent changes from moment to moment. It depends on energy level, alcohol ingestion and surroundings!!LOL

Growing up in the southern US, that da*n drawl tends to sneak up now and then. For the most part, though, it's a blend of a light southern and a far western accent.

Who I sound like?......I have no idea!


Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 40

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Actually Spike is slightly posher than me, but I do speak a lot like him.

I don't know what a western US accent sounds like. I can barely tell the difference between someone Scottish and someone Welsh. My accent tends to change depending on my surroundings, and if I'm with a group of people I automatically start to adapt my accent to sound a lot like theirs.

Surely there's someone famous you can compare yourself to?

Oh, and just getting the latest Buffy circular through it says that Oz returns to get Willow back but she's got to sort her sexuality out first before she can do anything.

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