This is the Message Centre for Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 41


Check your me, the attatchment is safe!smiley - smiley

Willows' sexual preferance is not revealed.......even now! It's not hard to guess,'s being played to the "hilt"!smiley - winkeye


Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 42

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Which e-mail? I've got about 3 different accounts! Are you talking about the catlover one?

Check out my Buffy guide entry.

Have you seen the 1992 Buffy movie? I haven't but it's on British TV tonight at 9p.m. I think, I missed it last time it was on so I'm making sure I see it, and I know it doesn't have the same actors apart from Seth Green. One problem about it: our TV is older than the station it's being shown on, channel 5, so the reception is not good. Either there's excellent sound quality and awful picture, or good picture and awful sound quality. I've just had a thought: my friend Natalie is a Buffy fan and can get channel 5 really well, hmm.....

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 43

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

OK, me being the idiot I am I've forgotten my password so I've had to re-create that e-mail address, so maybe try [email protected] or [email protected] where I'll give you a third e-mail address to use which I don't really fancy advertising to the rest of h2g2.

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 44

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Check out my Buffy guide entry! (I think)

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 45


The e-mail is on the link from your H2G2 Homepage.

Headed to your Article now!


Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 46

Katsy a.k.a. Esti


I saw the Buffy movie last night and it's really good! The only let-down is that the vampires don't turn to dust, they just collapse. The only other difference with the vampires is that they can float! That is very funny! Have you seen the Buffy movie? If so don't you think that Pike looks just like a brunette and American version of Spike?!

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 47


I have to admit, it has been quite a few years since the last time I saw the movie. Can't say as I remember many of the characters.

I guess it's high time I watched it again!smiley - smiley


Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 48

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Yes, you should!

Natalie is constantly doing impressions of the characters, especially Pike's "It's a bloodsucking demon from beyond the grave!" (and then he does vampire teeth using his fingers!)

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 49


LOL!!!!! That produced quite a mental image!!!!


Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 50

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

I missed this weeks episode of Buffy cos i had to go to London for my friend's wedding. Never mind, Natalie is letting me go round there on Sunday to see it. It was that episode the one after Angel returns and hugs Buffy! I can't wait to see that, Natalie said that she almost cried as it was so cute!

Do you see "Sliders" (not Buffy related) in the USA? It is American, also 3rd Rock From The Sun? I love those programmes and the BBC has actually started to put them back on again within a week!

So, is Angel still in Buffy? What about Faith and Riley? We haven't even seen Riley yet, only heard of him. Is it still in Sunnydale High?

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 51


Sliders is a regular on the "Sci-Fi" network. New episodes.....most likely WAY ahead of what you have.("Q-Ball" is no longer in the cast...."Rimmy" is the only original left.....still a D**N good show, though!)

Third Rock is still doing new stuff. Haven't watched in a while. Sorry, the routine got a bit stale to me when the leader(can't think of the name) started wooing his co-worker.

Angel and Buffy mingle the shows from time to that the Irish half demon?.....if so, he's great for the short time he's there!smiley - smiley last episode of Angel, is turning good again....looks like she might become a regular as a "good guy"!

So far as I can tell, you're right. Willow is becoming a gay character. She just turned down a reunion with Oz.smiley - sadface

That's the best I can remember up 'til now.....I hope it doesn't ruin any of it for you! If nothing else, maybe you can win a bet or two with the info!smiley - winkeye


Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 52

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

"Q-Ball" goes? Here, the only person who goes is the professor. Rimmy? I can't even remember their names as it's been so long, I only remember Quinn (or "Q-Ball") and the professor, and I can only remember the girl's real name, oh and I know Maggie. I've just found out what is back on is only repeats, and that is so annoying!

Don't worry that telling me anything and ruining it, it's only movies I don't want to know about. I think it's a real shame about Willow as Oz is quite cute. I get the Buffy news letters so I almost know what's going on, it's just confusing because I don't know the history behind it so I haven't a clue what they're on about!

3rd Rock is like, the best comedy show ever! Tommy looks better every new series (I mean more gorgeous!) and Harry is so funny!

I'm off to Natalie's tomorrow night (Sunday) to watch the episode of Buffy that I missed. She said Angel was so cute when he hugged Buffy!

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 53


I haven't read the rest of the forum, but i think cordilias leaving buffy, she's in angel and that only leaves a day a week to be in buffy as well!

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 54

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

She's leaving? YESSSSS!!!!!

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 55


What u don't like her, sure shes got her failings...(plenty of them)...but she does have her moments like....

....well she's cute!

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 56


She does quite well as Angels' assistant.smiley - smiley


Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 57


I wouldn't know I only watch terrestrial uk T.V. witch is rubish for anything cult (always gets replaced by sport smiley - sadface)

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 58

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Me too!

I think Cordelia is a bitch, Avatar, you'll find out why she is in about 3 weeks time. I'll tell you why if you like

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 59


Go on then, I'll piss of my sis by telling her what happens!!!!!!
smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 60

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Alright, here goes!....

Baisically, Cordelia finds out (at the end of the previous episode, in which Spike makes a return!!!!!!!) that Willow and Xander are having an affair. She then goes back to her old friends who think Xander is a geek (Harmony and that lot), and they still won't accept her, and then she is introduced to a girl called Anya, and becomes friends with her. Anya realises that Cordy has a problem, finds out, and then Cordy finds out that Anya can grant wishes. Cordy then reviels that BUFFY is the source of all her problems, and that if she had never come to Sunnydale then Cordelia would surely have a better life. She then wishes Buffy had never come to Sunnydale, finding that it's not the Sunnydale she expected it to be. That being that there is a curfew with sunset, and Willow and Xander are vampires, a bit like Spike and Drusilla really.........for more infor go to

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