This is the Message Centre for Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 1

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

I haven't come across any BUFFY fans yet, well, I've just met Fluffy The Vampire Salyer and Fairly Strange ACE. ARE YOU THERE???
I want you to tell me any gossip on the show. I still haven't seen ANY of ANGEL yet and I've only just seen Becoming part 2, in other words the last episode of series 2.

Somebody come and talk to me please!!!!!!

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 2


I wish I knew the titles to the episodes! I've never been any good at that!

Trust me....Angel is worth the wait!smiley - smiley It's a little "darker" than Buffy, a little less "Teen oriented".

Buffy, itself, went through a bit of maturing when they, I won't spoil it for you....just say that there is a bit of a difference between high school and college life!smiley - winkeye Oh yeah, I will say this as haven't seen the last of dear old Spike!!!! Not by any means!!!

smiley - fishNM

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 3

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Oooh goody! Spike is soooooooo funny! There was an episode on the other day (Becoming part 2) where he says to Dru "Now I don't want to hurt you darling......doesn't mean I won't!" and I love doing impressions of Drusilla's screaming!
Check out my guide entry on Buffy! (your name is on there)

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 4


COOL....thanks!!!smiley - smiley

eerrmmm..uuh...You guys are WAY behind!!!! Dru hasn't been around in a couple of seasons!!!

That's all I'll say about it for now!!!smiley - winkeye


Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 5

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

I told my friend Natalie (from school, and a huuge Buffy fan) about Dru being dusted and she cheered! Where we are Spike has only really just left town with Dru, that was 3 weeks ago now! We're about to see "Faith, Hope and Trick", which is season 3 episode 3. What one are you on? I know that Faith is the vampire slayer that takes Kendra's place, but I'm not clear who Mr Trick is, I read the dialogue and am confused. I've gotta re-read them to remember. I can't wait for the one where Cordy makes that deadly wish that Buffy had never come to sunnydale and Willow and Xander are vampires. Oh yeah, can you clear up a rumour for me: Is Willow gay? It's jsut she seems to be madly in love with Oz so she must have changed a lot if she is.

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 6


Well.....several seasons ahead of you, I can safely say that Willow is not hell of witch...but not gay!smiley - smiley

smiley - smiley


Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 7

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

So who is? It's just that on teletex it definately said something about one of the main characters being gay!
Oh, and when and why is Dru dusted?

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 8


Monsy says......"Dru never gets dusted, she ran off with another Vampire, leaving Spike a drunkin lovesick mess!

Willow and her friend at college who practices witchcraft with her have not gone "all the way" ........yet! But, do appear to be headed that way on the express train!smiley - smiley

"From the horses' mouth"!smiley - winkeye


Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 9


Oh,.....from this "horses' mouth"......just wait 'till the Buffy and Spike are Engaged to be Married" episode......just a teaser!LOL


Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 10

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Oooh! I'm so gonna tease my friend Natalie with that one!

What happens to Angel during Buffy? Does she do an Angel with Spike then?

Natalie say this thing about Willow being gay is US previews, tell me what happens then. Is she still heavilly dating Oz then?

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 11


Oz leftsmiley - sadface. He shows up occasionally on "Angel". He's off to "find himself"!


Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 12

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Ow! I like Oz, he's cute!
I watched Buffy this evening, the BBC aren't airing it for another 3 weeks as usual snooker takes over, but from my point of view that's good cos I'm away for the two Thursdays it's not on so it means I don't miss it! We've just seen the first ever one with Faith. I'm not sure whether to think she's a tart with a weak side or just someone trying to be nice. You tell me!

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 13


Faith changes everything......she's worse than a tart!!!!

She becomes the definition of get a headstart and begin your disdain for her now!!!!smiley - winkeye


Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 14

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

I thought there was something evil about her, they way she seems to be over popular to Buffy's friends before they've even had a chance to think. It creeped me out.

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 15


Oh, it's comes out even in the end!smiley - winkeye


Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 16

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Is Buffy still being filmed then?

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 17


Oh yess!!!!!! It has not been cancelled! New season just started a few weeks ago!


Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 18

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Really? What number are they on now?

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 19

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Just buzzed over to your homepage, great, but why aren't I on the ACE list? I've just had this battle with Peta.
And hey, I'm not on your list of great people to know on h2g2! I've got a list of me mates on h2g2 and you can be on there if you like, just tell me your user number and I'll add you!

Calling all Buffy fans!

Post 20


U40399.....Sorry you have not been added yet.smiley - sadface I have a hard time finding time to edit my page!

I just did a complete overhaul a few weeks back, and I found stuff in there from a year ago!LOL

Consider yourself added!!!

As far as the ACE list, this is also my fault. I have not had a chance to update the "pull-down" menu. I must get the update from Monsy and take care of that ASAP! Thanks for reminding me!


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