Hello everyone!

OK, I've been here for a while now, so........

I'm sorry I haven't got much to say about myself as of now, I will find something interesting soon, I'm sure! If you have any suggestions of what I should have on my homepage, please tell me!

Just in case you're wondering where I got my name from, I saw that quite a few people had being on a site where you can get your Wu-Tan Clan name where I got this name from, which I like, a lot.

Maybe I should add a bit more here. Thing is I don't get here much as I can only surf the net by means of an internet cafe or a generous friend, so don't be surprised if I disappear for weeks on end, I'll be back!!!! (for all you loyal fans!)

Here's a bit about me:I'm 15 and from Dublin in Ireland. How's that? Not much I know! My birthday is 15th November.

Keep those suggestions coming in!

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Just to say hello... Feb 19, 2000


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Sheepish Lord Of Chaos

Researcher U111837


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