Journal Entries

Road Closed

ON the way to work this morning, as I got on to the M4, there were signs that the road going North from Heathrow was closed, which was a bit of a shame as I wanted to use it!!

I managed to navigate my way through West Drayton and ended up being just a little late, I thought it was going to be worse.

It turns out that a person had been murdered and left in the road only a few hundred yards from w**k. The road has been shut all day, while the Police assess the scene of the crime and gather evidence.

Bassman smiley - cool

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Latest reply: Feb 25, 2003

Friends Reunited

I went to a big reunion at my old school on Saturday night, I couldn't believe how many of the old faces I recognised. I was saddened to have not run in to the gorgeous Sonia (she broke my heart) she was the first girl I ever asked out and the only one to have ever turned me down!! smiley - cry

A fantastic night was had by one and all, but where did those 3 hours go? They just flew by....

Bassman smiley - cool

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Latest reply: Feb 25, 2003

Nodding Dog Insurance Rip-Off

Got out to the car last night after playing a gig - to find that the rear quaterlight had been smashed and the contents of my car duely removed. After the initial shock and anger etc methinks - no problemo, I'll be covered under my insurance - which I must add I pay handsomely for.

My annual premium is circa £360, this is mainly due to driving higher than average mileage. I have no points and have only ever claimed once on a policy, which was about February 1986, so in this case my claims record is clean. When I renewed this year my premium went up dramatically (due to mileage) but I thought I'd stick with "The nodding dog" due to a lot of benefits that are included in the policy.

On contacting them to report the theft this morning, I find that they are going to charge me £50 excess for the winow which was broken and another £50 excess for the contents that was stolen. Now here's the good bit, they only insure £100 worth of contents, so if I claimed, all I'd get is my window replaced effectively free of charge and a black mark on my claim record, prohibiting me from claiming again for a year.

Good Value for money?

To quote the nodding dog "OH YESSSS"

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Latest reply: Dec 8, 2002

Bad News

Had some devastating news this evening. I can't speak of the details, as I don't want to betray a confidence, but I'm hurting really badly and just had to write something....

Just when you think things are on the up....

Bassman smiley - blue

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Latest reply: Oct 13, 2002


Gave Brunel a quick go this afternoon - it sucks - GOO STILL RULES smiley - biggrin

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Latest reply: Aug 19, 2002

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