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Girlfriends Too

Post 81

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

I love you too... in a downbeat, Morrissey-esque kind of way!

Girlfriends Too

Post 82

Mrs V

So If I dump my current man.....

Girlfriends Too

Post 83

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

...then between us we'll have converted someone else to the ways of the miserable! (And if it doesn't make him miserable, that's another reason to dump him!)

Girlfriends Too

Post 84

Mrs V

Wayhay! I think he might be a bit miserable, but only because i am his only girlfriend, and we have our uses...

Girlfriends Too

Post 85

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

...such as? smiley - smiley

Girlfriends Too

Post 86


..uses that are the reasons why not convert real-life-miserable relationships into super-intellectual-cyber relationships...which does not mean that conversions cannot be a good deal. I would prefer one....maybe we should start a new forum for cyber-dating.

Girlfriends Too

Post 87

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

Just keeping abreast of the forum !!!

(in a need to know kinda way)

Girlfriends Too

Post 88

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Alright, here's one from another angle all together:

My room mate, "JT" (not his real name), is engaged to a girl he went to highschool with, "Gertrude" (not her real name). As JT has started his freshman year of college here at the University of Arizona. Gertrude has started hers at Duke University, a few thousand miles away. They talk every night on the quick cams they have set up on their computers.
Now, the first, and most obvious, problem here, is that they got engaged right out of highschool. The second, that I began to see fairly quickly, is that JT does not love Gertrude in the nurturing, loving fashion that he thinks he does. No, from listening to his side of the conversation every night (not eaves dropping, it's just hard NOT to hear what he's saying or at least get the intonation of it most of the time) he's more into controling her than caring for her. He didn't want her to go to Duke (even though it was her dream), he wanted her to come here, and he never lets her forget it. Not in a light, flirty, "Oh I wish you were here" sort of way, but in a guilt trip sort of way. He has a fairly clear direction he wants to take with his education, and she doesn't, which he uses to his advantage when verbally proding her (the hypocrite has, in fact, changed his major since the beginning of the semester). He cusses at her. When she's tired, instead of trying to be understanding, he gets angry that she's not giving him her full attention. She's having a tough time finding a footing in her fairly difficult school, and she's homesick, both of which are weaknesses he exploits.

I don't know her. I can't even hear her side of the conversation. But I know that nothing could make me cuss at my girlfriend, especially not night after night. With this kind of verbal abuse, I'm worried about what kind of physical "incidents" may occur after they are married. JT doesn't mention it in terms of men and women, but his stance often seems to smack of an "I'm the man, you're the woman, I know best" mentality. He tells her when she should be happy and when she should feel bad about something, and when she acts differently, it's "Cut this sh*t out!" "When are you gonna cut this Sh*t out?" "It's about time you cut this sh*t out!" "D@mn it, 'Gertrude', cut this sh*t out!"

Then of course he shows everyone on the floor all the gifts he sends her so that he looks all sweet and romantic. My question is, since I don't know her, and I don't want to make living with him (not my choice) unbearable, what on earth can I do about this? It seems like there should be SOMETHING.

Girlfriends Too

Post 89


what a dilemma...i want to tell you to talk to him----your control-freak roommate that is---but i can just imagine the awkward tension that might cause between the two of you........i cannot believe that this girl is going to put up with so much crap from her FIANCEE though...........someones got to smack the sense into her...if you ever do talk to your roomie about his relationship, suggest that maybe they try taking a little 'break' from each other...yknow see other people do other things----take a little time to themselves to sort out their real feelings...................then again, i could be completely wrong smiley - bigeyes

Girlfriends Too

Post 90

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Is this forum taking too long, or what? Let's move:

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