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Girlfriends Too

Post 41

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Oh, he exists, but you don't often find him combined with good looks...

Girlfriends Too

Post 42


Who mentioned looks...? (I'm drifting towards sleep...!) 'Looks' only intervene and stop you from getting to know someone as well as could be good for both of you. Anyway, my idea of 'good-looking' doesn't fit the conventional, apparently. Give me a guy who makes me laugh over a 'hunk' any day!


PS So what are guys 'really' looking for?

Girlfriends Too

Post 43

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

I think you hit on it somewhere... just as you don't find attractive what fits "the conventional", I don't think you could say what either gender is 'really' looking for. Me? I'm looking for (good god this is going to look like a personal add or something, isn't it?) someone who wants to have actuall conversations with me. Who both talks and listens. But understands when I don't have much to say. She should enjoy camping hiking and all that outdoorsy woodland/ desterty stuff. She should be as smart as I am or smarter. She doesn't need to agree with me all the time, but if she disagrees with me I'd hope that she could at least disagree intelligently (no "I'm right, you're wrong, that's that" attitude). She should appreciate my creativity, and hopefully she would also be the creative type in some aspect of her life. Looks, though I hate to admit it are important to me, though I don't go for "the stereotypical blonde bombshell". I don't care what color her hair is (though I prefer natural to dyed) and I don't care what color her eyes are (though again I prefer her real color to colored contacts). She's got to be at least good looking enough so that after I'm in love with her I begin to find her beautiful, but she doesn't have to be a "babe". Although I concider myself a bit of a feminist, I really hope she knows how to cook because I don't and I don't want to be eating out EVERY NIGHT. She needs to want to have children. Not just agree to have children. I can't put a woman through that much pain for something she merely concede's to. She's got to really want them. There's a lot more, and sometimes all or most of that goes entirely out the window. In fact, that list has changed alot since my first girlfriend... the more girls I date, the better idea of it I get...


Girlfriends Too

Post 44


Yes, what are you chaps really looking for? Is it a "soul mate" like a lot of us (more mature in nature) ladies?

Rich Tea are good for dunking in tea (or coffee) they're very plain and low-calorie (and vegan of course).

Nighty night, 'Sus. Sweet dreams about that kind, sensitive, hunk girl! I'm off to bed soon but John has just got up at 02.00 so he'll be up for a while now.

Girlfriends Too

Post 45

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

And while I'm thinking of it, she should have a sense of humor that matches mine, compliments it, etc, but she also should be able to take things seriously.

Girlfriends Too

Post 46


oh no! everyones sleeping now....................ah well. i dont think girls do that whole *mystery* thing (ie send loads and loads of mixed messages to guys) on purpose all the time...i dont guys enjoy chasing after girls who play hard to get? ...
or--are guys really that insecure that they wont approach a girl if she seems UN-interested? ...

Girlfriends Too

Post 47

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Some guys are into the hard to get thing. I've a friend who's very succesfull with ladies, though I'm of the opinion that his relationships are usually fairly shallow... but his machismo demands that he chase those who play hard to get. Me? I've been rejected enough. I'm not going to ask an un-interested girl because I'm tired of hearing the words "not right now..." or "I'd REALLY love to, but..." etc. Why set myself up for a surefire rejection?

Girlfriends Too

Post 48

Mrs V

yep, surefire rejection. especially if you're expecting it. Think a bit more positve about yourself! I still haven't recieved any proposals, but had some qutie fun flirtations. Flirting makes a girl feels wanted at least. I think I really like you, its a shame I don't have any friends I could post your way!! My hair hasn't seen natural colour in ten years, at the minute its a kind of bright pinky purle, but I have a box of bright pink that needs used up, so that'll be next. As I said in the last forum, I'm a bit of a drunken slapper, and I think its really cool that you repect yourself!!

Girlfriends Too

Post 49

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Thanks. What I meant was, if someone seems to be saying "no" in every way imaginable without actually saying it, why should I expect a "yes" when I actually ask? And as far as hair color goes, if a girl dyes her hair, I'd have more respect for someone with bright pinky purple hair than someone who was dying hers a color meant to look natural. I almost feel like I'm being lied to if a brunett expects me to believe she's actually a blonde. But if a blonde presents me with bright blue, for instance, I know she doesn't expect me to think it's the "truth".

Girlfriends Too

Post 50

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

Irving, I think you are looking far too deeply into the colour of a womens barnet!!

You are looking for someone who just aint out there mate...

Women don't dye there hair to deceive men!!!??

What are you like young man!!!smiley - smiley

Girlfriends Too

Post 51

Mrs V

He will find his dream princess one day! And true, I think I only dye my hair to annoy my mother. Some people also feel genuinly better with different coloured hair, like my flatmate thinks I look Ill and sallow when i have anything near my own natural hair colour (Black) and thinks I look best as a blonde (Which my hair is right before i dye it purple again) So I could take her advice, but with dark eyebrows and darker eyes, I wouldn't expect anyone to believe me!

Girlfriends Too

Post 52


First, I am a brunette, and now I am dark blond.
I hate to dye my hair, because of the above reason...but my hair started to turn white (I'm 22), so I had to do something. Some said, it looks really cool, to have white hair at this age - something exceptional - and I can dye my hair any colour I wish (pink - well, I had blue once). But I wanted to look "natural", so tried to dye my hair back to brunette. And thanx for my hairdresser, now I am almost blonde.
So when I met my boy-friend, the first thing he asked me to stop dying my I had to tell him the reason. Now he thinks I'm kind of mad, because it must be some psychological reason of turning I should go to a doctor.
That's about hair colour and relationship.

Girlfriends Too

Post 53

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

I guess I'm looking for a girl who is comfortable enough with her natural state to be proud of it, rather than want a hair color other than that she was born with. I people who are comfortable with who they are and are willing to do the best with what they were given. In my eyes, you can't improve on nature. Change it, yes. Improve? Never.

Girlfriends Too

Post 54

Mrs V

My aunt went white at an early age, and when my roots get long enough, you cansee my grey hairs too, its not alway psycological. When It comes through all white, I will stop dying it, cos I think It would look stunning, but otherwise it just looks dull (as in not shiny) Maybe its a family thing with you too?? I'm 21 bye the way!

Girlfriends Too

Post 55

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

He thinks your Mad cos you got a little bit of white hair!!!!

Dump him !!!!

Girlfriends Too

Post 56


Well, it's very reasonable, what he's explaining - the link between psychological malfunction and physical effect - and he wants to help me. It's just annoying that he tries to analyse me, and make me feel kinda inferior. So I turn sometimes aggressive, and this again supports his concept. Stupid, I know. If I meet a new guy, isn't it the same story again? "I just want to help you, dear!" I hate to hear that.

Girlfriends Too

Post 57

Mrs V

easy, next time get a boyfriend not an anaylist! Most guys wouldn't think twice about the conection between trauma and hair colour, or if they did, just telling them well it runs in my family would be enough to sort them out. Of course, he's being nice and sweet and everything, but it would bug the hell out of me!! And If A man make you feel inferior, tell him! Say do you want a girlfriend or a dog.

Girlfriends Too

Post 58

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

I am now angry, I don't know why, I just am..

It's not very reasonable for him to try and find some tenuous link between white hair and being nuts!!!

If I were a women (I'm not), and my bloke said to me what yours has said and thinks about you, I would slap him hard and knee him in the groin !!

Start to find a fault with him, I'm sure he has some. Make him feel like he makes you feel!!!!

Why I don't know, what is the world coming too !!!!

Sid the angry!!!

Girlfriends Too

Post 59

Mrs V

I spent far too long out of my life with a guy who made me feel inferior, and now when I think about it, he's definately far inferior to me! He's at my university now, they accepted him cos its photography, so his one alevel counted, ( I have one Alevel, one scottish equilant to an Alevel, an sys, and 5 highers) and I will be setting the lads on him if he even tries any of his old tricks, which he countinued with even after he left! I think I understand why you feel angry at this guy you don't even know sid, its cos you're great!

Girlfriends Too

Post 60


Thank you for being angry instead of me...
What is the world coming to....well, my self-confidence is continuously destroyed recently. I've got bracers, so my lips started to deformate a little which made me crazy (my lips are the only part of my body I was really "proud" of). Then this hair thingy..I know that appearance is not everything, but I still feel shitty sometimes, and this feeling is not costructive at all. I had never problems with my appearance before, so it's something new for me. Cope with it...easy to say.

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