Asaron Richard Hellion Gothinius
I am the last of an ancient dynasty of lion tamers who once roamed free across the plains of Geartha also called Gothinia which is now called France/Germany. I design websites for State of Michigan. My ancestress Anne Dudley York Bradstreet sailed England to Massachussets in 1630 on a spaceship called Arabella. Anne, a forgotten Lily of the Sang IsRaal, is descended from King John and William the Conqueror and Merovechia and Francia. Their souls all jostle each other in my bloodstream and they appear as children in my dreams which I post as epic poems at www.SunSpider.comConversations
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
SunSpider | May 29, 1999 | No Replies |
Earth | May 28, 1999 | No Replies |
Researcher U43032
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