Assyria and Astara
Created | Updated Apr 3, 2002
Ahura or Ahari is prince/comrade in Persia. Ahura Mazda and Ahura Iman (Ahriman) were sons of Ah-Asuerus who fought over who would rule. Ahura Mazda and his angel warriors defeated Ahriman and cast him and his angels into the wilderness. Thus began two-party system battles of partisan politics in that ancient war between God of Light who rules courts and gardens and God of Darkness who leads thieves and liars in rebellions, in that eternal election campaign contest between Christ and Anti-Christ.
God-kings of babylonian empires with this prince/comrade title are Sar-Gon, Nebuch-Aden-Ezzar and Ezra and Assur-Banipal and Jezre-el among many others.
Jakob son of Jehovah was named Isura El or Prince El and his name became Israel. He began dynasty of Joshua and his angel councillors the Elohim in white robes whose political process influenced the Graecan and Roman and Britanian American dynasties of later centuries with their senates and parliaments and congresses and soviets (which means council).
Osiris and Isis were the youngest children of Ah-Asuerus and Esther and they ruled in Egypt. They founded the dynasties of the Aphara-Oh who was grandson of Asara-on high priestess of the three pryamid cities where millions of people lived on those half-built towering platforms of temples and pools and gardens.
This ancient moniker of the Asura priest/prince/comrade survives even today in English as the word Sir for this ancient Assyrian empire sent warriors on horses during medeival times into the far northern lands of Middle Earth. After defeating a wizard in battle and holding sword to neck of the defeated one, Sir Jehovah taught compassion by refusing to kill but accepting as knight and brother all he defeated and thus they would proclaim God is love. God in ancient Gothinian tongue means Clan Chief.
Astara his queen founded temples where pregnant women would go to give birth. Her name is reflected in Esther, Easter, Hysteria (womb in Greek), Ister (now called Danube River), OstroGoth, as well as that simple sparkling word Star meaning a goddess of the silver screen.