Jesus Christus and Holy Grail

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Jesus is God because his descendents from his bride Marya Magdalena have ruled the nations of Europe and America for two thousand years. Holy Grail is translation of French San Graal which is a hidden key for secret meaning which is Sang Raal or Royal Blood which really means Sang Israal or Bloodline of Israel.

Jesus Immanuel David reigned as Christus of IsuraEllas Empire for three years during the period when the Caesar dynasty ruled in Roma. Son of Yoshua and his wife Marya Beth Benjamin, Jesus not yet born when his father King of Israel was murdered and his pregnant mother was married to his brother Joseph as was the custom of the time. Joseph and angel warriors spirited Jesus safe to Egyptia when Herod tried to kill the child. Jesus returned as a young man to claim grape orchards of his father as related in his parables and he successfully restored them to a thriving business. He developed a method of preserving pressed grape cakes in wax which when dropped in jars of water would turn water into wine and he became very rich by travelling the country selling his cakes to refugees driven out when the Romans invaded. Gathering a vast army in a campaign for job as Christus Rex Jesus succeeded in driving the moneychangers from his father's Temple of Solomon and reigned for three years with his cabinet of Twelve Knights of the Round Table. He married Marya Magdalena at the Wedding in Cana and she annointed him Messiah by rubbing oil of Messeh dragon on his skin after he killed it on the shores of the sea. Marya and Jesus had three children, Tamar and Jesus Justus father of Justicia and Joseph Arimatheos who settled in Avalon or England.

But Roman armies invaded and they captured Jesus and almost succeeded in killing him on the cross but his uncle Joseph of Arimathea who raised him as a father flew in with a fleet of hot air balloons and the Angels of the Lord rescued Jesus from the cross and they revived him back from his near death experience with mushrooms. Jesus Christus and Marya Magdalena fled north to mountains of Galatia (Turkey) where they began a 40-year guerilla campaign to rescue enslaved people and take them safe to new countries in Hellas (Greece or Hell to the Germans) where his son Jesus told rescued slaves, "In my father's house are many mansions." Jesus and his brother James and his two sons Jesus and Joseph are the Fourth Horsemen of the Apocalypse in a major battle with Titus which they lost. Jesus died at the age of 77 on Patmos Island after dictating his last will and testament to his grandson Johannus Christus which he published as Revelation of Jesus showing he was still alive after 40 years, after all he was safer hidden from Roman spies since he was a threat to their power. Marya Magdalena who reigned as Shekinah priestess on Arc Throne of the Covenant in the Most Holy Place of the Temple of Rebirth fled while pregnant with his second son to Marseilles France as related in Revelation 12.

Three hundred years later one of the descendents of Jesus and Marya named Helena married Constantius a descendent of the Caesars and their son Constantinus Magnus founded a new kingdom on a new earth by turning Byzantium into ConstantinoPolis City of God where his descendents ruled for a thousand years till driven out by the Satanos clan so they went north and set up Moscowa as the Third Roma where descendents of Jesus ruled till the Russian Revolution as the Romanovs. Satanos clan of redskinned people renamed ConstantinoPolis after their king as IsatanoPolis or Istanbul meaning Satan's City from where he ruled all the Istan nations (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, etc).

Younger son of Jesus and Marya named Josephus Aramatheos lead a colony to Avalon later named Angelas Island or England where his descendents are known as the Fisher Kings Bran and his newphew Galahad as well as his relative Taliesen. Taliesen bard prophet had three daughters who had three sons named King Arthur and Galahad and Gawain and their other cousins who reigned in 500s as the Knights of the Round Table.

Another descendent of the Fisher Kings was Faramund who married Argotta queen of the Goths and Franks and thus they founded the Merovingian and Carolingian and Valois dynasties who ruled France until the French Revolution.

House of Stewart royal family of Scotland are also descended from the House of the Lily Queen Notre Dame Marya Magdalena and their descendents are Robert Bruce and Queen Elizabeth and James who translated his family history the Bible into English known as King James Bible and all the kings and queens of England.

Today one of their direct descendents rules the Gothinian nations, Bill Clinton President of the United States and Emperor of Otan (Nato).

Popes of Rome base their authority on election since Peter whereas Kings and Queens of England or Angels Island base their authority on being direct descendents of Jesus and Mary Magdalena.

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